Welcome to Sossaman Middle School Math Class It is a Beautiful Day… Please find a seat… (yes any seat)

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Sossaman Middle School Math Class It is a Beautiful Day… Please find a seat… (yes any seat)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Sossaman Middle School Math Class It is a Beautiful Day… Please find a seat… (yes any seat)

2 Instructions Please print on the top of a sheet of paper the following information:  Name: Lunch A or B  Birthday:  Parents/Guardians Name (P/G):  P/G Telephone # P/G Email # Please print on the bottom of the sheet 3 things about yourself.  Favorite sport, team, color  Favorite subject, hobby, music  Number/names of brothers/sisters  Pets  Something no one in the class knows about you Hold on to your cards we will talk about them a little later.

3 Class Tour  Paper turn in  Bathroom sign out

4 Let me tell you a little bit about me…. I enjoy cooking and watching cooking shows, playing piano, Ohio State, Disneyland, reading, sports, and traveling.

5 Family - I have been married for 21 years and have 3 children. Kristine is 16 and goes to Higley High, Todd is 14 and also attends Higley High, and Chad is 12 and is a 7 th grader here at Sossaman.

6 Let’s Get to Know You….. (Bill video) When I say go…  Please share one or two new things about yourself from your paper with a partner.  Some of you will soon have the opportunity to introduce your partner.

7 Who are you?  Please introduce your partner  Tell the class one new thing you learned about your partner.  Tell the class why you are thrilled that he or she is in your class.

8 Now that we’re all friends……. Please return to your original seats (A-Z Activity on back)

9 Procedure Turning in papers  When I say go…..Please pass your papers to one person in your row.  The person with the papers should place them in the basket for your class. MATH

10 Class Rules RESPECT  Respect your School  Respect your Teacher  Respect your Classmates  Respect Yourself

11 Visit my web site……  Teacher pages  Read the Syllabus. Bring the signature page with you to school by Friday for a candy. Site includes regular updates on:  Lessons  Assignments  Resources  FAQ s  Letters to Parents and more…

12 Syllabus  Must be signed and turned in by Friday!!!!!

13 Materials  Spiral Notebook (INB) 3 subject with pockets  Pencils, Red Pen,  Highlighter (Yellow, Pink, Blue)  Lined Paper, Index Cards  Ruler, Compass, Protractor  Ear Phones  Calculator  Sharpener  Please have supplies by Wednesday.

14 Homework  Expect Math homework! There will be consequences if not done: Grades will suffer No test retakes Notes home Detention

15 Procedure Bellwork  Every day you will have Bellwork. Paper or iPad  You are expected to be in your seat and working by the time the bell rings.  If you are not in the classroom when the bell rings you are late.  Late means you will be sent to the office to get a pass.

16 Just a reminder I dismiss you not the bell…

17 8 th Grade Math Curriculum  Includes algebraic problem solving, functions, probability, factoring and connections to geometry.

18 8 th Grade Mathematics – Course Syllabus Please return by Friday, August 8, 2014. Class_________________ Print Student’s Name: __________________ Math ID 8____ My student and I have read and understand the rules, policies, and expectations as they apply to this math course. By signing this we agree to abide by and uphold the rules set forth. _______________________________ __________ Student Signature Date _______________________________ __________ Parent Signature Date Contact information (Please print legibly): Student Name: _____________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name: ____________________________________________________ Home Phone: ____ Cell Phone #: ______ E-mail Address:_________ __________________________________________________________ This class will use internet resources frequently. Students who do not have access to internet at home will be expected to visit the school or community library. ____ We do NOT have access to the internet at home

19 Behavior Plan

20  For making weak choices:  Verbal warning, the look…  Time out in another class/hallway/office  Parent conference/Office referral.  Call home for conference

21 Procedure Leave the Classroom  No restroom breaks in the first or last 10 minutes of class or during direct instruction.  If you are given permission to leave the classroom you must sign out and in. (Sign out sheet is by the sink. Please be sure to record the correct time)

22 Returning Papers  Reviewed papers will be handed out.  Returned papers should be filed by you in your file and kept until the end of the quarter in order to review for final exams. Be sure to check that you received the correct grade/ credit for all assignments. Folders may be collected and reviewed for completeness, neatness and organization.

23 Go Spartans…

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