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Reforms of the Progressive Era Labor, business, government, social issues, environment, safety.

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1 Reforms of the Progressive Era Labor, business, government, social issues, environment, safety

2 Progressive Labor Reforms Labor unions became more powerful – AFL (American Federation of Labor) achieved shorter hours & higher pay for the average worker Child labor laws – Put restrictions on how young full-time workers could be – Children were not allowed to do certain jobs What might be an example?

3 Progressive Labor Reforms Other workplace & labor reforms – eight-hour work day – improved safety & health conditions in factories What might be an example? – workers compensation laws If you got hurt on the job, you could get paid time off – minimum wage laws – unionization was more accepted The boss could not fire you for joining a union Unions negotiated with bosses for fair conditions in a contract (agreement between employer & employees) Department of labor was created to enforce these laws

4 Reforming the Spoils System Two big worries of voters: 1.Rich people had too much power and were controlling the government and business 2.The government was corrupt; politicians were acting unfairly, taking bribes, and giving out jobs to people who did not deserve them * Brainstorm: how do you think people worked to fix these things?

5 Reforming the Spoils System The spoils system = the system in which politicians gave jobs to people who had supported them ◦ This is also called patronage Problems: ◦ The people who were given these government jobs were not always GOOD for the job  Some stole money from their departments  Some did not know how to do their jobs well * Example: On pg. 631, read the 2 nd paragraph under “Reforming the Spoils System”. In this example, a man was made court reporter even though he could not…

6 Reforming the Spoils System Political corruption in cities ◦ Many cities were run by political machines  These were groups that controlled all government actions and policies in a city or state  The machines were run by political bosses - powerful politicians who ran city or state governments ◦ These groups did some good things:  Helping the poor with food, money, or jobs  Putting in new systems for the city (like sewers or gas heat) ◦ They also did some bad things:  Took bribes and made businesses pay them fees  Stole government money for themselves

7 Reforming the Spoils System * On pg. 633, find the red heading, “Boss Tweed”. What city was Boss Tweed from? How much money did he take from the city? ◦ In many cities, groups of citizens set up good government leagues  Their goal was to replace corrupt officials with honest politicians and leaders

8 Reforming the Spoils System Presidents who worked to reform the unfair system 1.Rutherford B. Hayes  Set up a group to investigate patronage in New York  Found HUNDREDS of government workers who were getting lots of money but doing NOTHING  Had two top officials fired for this

9 2. James A. Garfield  Also believed that the spoils system should be changed  Thought that government jobs should be given to people who were best qualified  He was assassinated by Charles Guiteau, someone who wanted to be given a job but wasn’t 3. Chester A. Arthur  Worked with Congress to pass the Pendleton Act  This law set up the Civil Service Commission, a group who hired people for government jobs by interviewing them and giving them a test to make sure they had the necessary skills for the job

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