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The Political Machine Cities City governments Didn ’ t provide: jobs, financial aid, protection, sanitation etc. Political Machine steps in Provided services.

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Presentation on theme: "The Political Machine Cities City governments Didn ’ t provide: jobs, financial aid, protection, sanitation etc. Political Machine steps in Provided services."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Political Machine Cities City governments Didn ’ t provide: jobs, financial aid, protection, sanitation etc. Political Machine steps in Provided services and business help in exchange for votes and money

2 precinct captains precinct workers ward bosses city boss Political machine: organized group that controlled things for a political party Found in Baltimore, New York, San Francisco, Boston

3 The City Boss Sometimes the mayor, sometimes other Controlled city jobs, business licenses, influenced the courts Got votes and money for political party Roscoe Conkling - boss of the New York Republican machine Built sewers, parks, waterworks, schools, hospitals, orphanages

4 Corruption in the Machines Fraud (deliberate deception) - sometimes cheated to win elections Graft (using political influence for financial gain) Bribes - businesses offered money to get city contracts Kickbacks - officials hired companies and when city paid, company kicked-back some of themoney to the official

5 Boss Tweed - William M. Tweed City Boss of Tammany Hall, the powerful Democratic Political Machine in New York Led ring of corrupt politicians who defrauded New York City 1869-1871

6 Thomas Nast, Cartoonist

7 1880 Presidential Election: Republicans Half BreedsStalwarts Sen. James G. Blaine Sen. Roscoe Conkling (Maine) (New York) James A. Garfield Chester A. Arthur (VP) compromise

8 Patronage - “ Spoils System ” Government jobs were the spoils The winning party in an election got to hand out these jobs to their supporters Providing a job to a possibly unqualified candidate as a reward or because of a personal connection is called “ cronyism ”

9 1881: Garfield Assassinated! Charles Guiteau: I Am a Stalwart, and Arthur is President now!

10 Chester Arthur- A “ dandy ” President?

11 Pendleton Act (1883)  Civil Service Act in response to patronage and “ spoils system ”  By 1900 1/2 of federal jobs required an exam to get a federal job

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