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WAOL Advisory Group Monday, August 23, 2010. Title Here Agenda: Elluminate Check-in Tegrity –Kick-off meeting August 26, SB Olympia –Integration report.

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Presentation on theme: "WAOL Advisory Group Monday, August 23, 2010. Title Here Agenda: Elluminate Check-in Tegrity –Kick-off meeting August 26, SB Olympia –Integration report."— Presentation transcript:

1 WAOL Advisory Group Monday, August 23, 2010

2 Title Here Agenda: Elluminate Check-in Tegrity –Kick-off meeting August 26, SB Olympia –Integration report ANGEL Check-in –LMS Summit, August 9 th –“Apply All Users” –Storage issues—backups and archives Next meeting—September 20 (September 6 is Labor Day)

3 Title Here Tegrity Kick-off meeting August 26 –SB Olympia—for Tegrity administrators –Successful integrations with Shoreline (Bb), Green River (ANGEL) and WAOL ANGEL (waiting for ANGEL Hosting to complete) –ITC has optional use contracts for web cams—information to follow

4 Title Here ANGEL Check IN Summer 10 up 73% from Summer 09 –21,446 v. 12,376 “Apply to All” Don’t do it.

5 Title Here LMS Summit All interested parties are encouraged to create an account and join: http://lmsnextsteps.ning.com See Cable’s follow up note for details

6 Title Here LMS Summit—Proposed Timeline SBCTC will sign contract extension to use ANGEL through June 2014 Fall 10--ELC will review and update LMS functional requirements Oct 10 to Summer 11-- Familiarity Sessions to review various LMSs at this WAOL Advisory Group meeting –For meeting information –To arrange a session, Winter 11—Begin formal pilots, if needed Fall 11 to Summer 12—RFP Sign new contract Fall 12 Migrate to new solution Fall 12 to Summer 14

7 Title Here Options for CTCs If your college is part of the SBCTC “shared LMS environment” (WAOL) –Integration with SMS, Elluminate, Tegrity, streaming media, etc –24x7 help desk support for LMS –Guaranteed best price –SBCTC staff support –Shared faculty and admin professional development

8 Title Here Options for CTCs If your college hosts your own instance of the selected LMS –College is responsible for integration with SMS and system tools like Elluminate, Tegrity, etc. –College is responsible for help desk support –no SBCTC staff support other than sharing best practices in WAOL Advisory Group –Shared faculty and admin professional development when possible –College pays any additional costs for your separate instance

9 Title Here WAOL ANGEL Storage WAOL ANGEL is over storage limit and faces potentially $70,000 in additional costs this year. If you use WAOL ANGEL, we need your business plan, and your work in cleaning up old classrooms. Export Folder on FTP site will only keep 1 month’s worth of export files Backups Folder will keep files for 2 months

10 Title Here Take Aways: Mark needs to get info out to system on ANGEL storage issues This is Brandy’s last meeting The Tegrity administrator Kick Off is Thursday Shoreline Tegrity integration was simple and quick Don’t click “Apply to All User”—it does apply to ALL users Start thinking about what LMS tools you want to see a demo of. D2L wants to demo

11 September 20, 2010, 11:00 to noon on Elluminate (September 6 meeting will be cancelled—Labor Day) recordings and information on this web site: Please forward invitations to others on your campus who might be interested. Next meeting

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