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US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Navy Expeditionary Force (NEF) CTF-956 LCDR Kent, Christopher 1 Sep 2014 Overall Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL.

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Presentation on theme: "US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Navy Expeditionary Force (NEF) CTF-956 LCDR Kent, Christopher 1 Sep 2014 Overall Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL."— Presentation transcript:

1 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Navy Expeditionary Force (NEF) CTF-956 LCDR Kent, Christopher 1 Sep 2014 Overall Classification: UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL TO USA,MNFA 1 UNCLASSIFIED

2 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces NEF ISO CFMCC NEF deployed from CONUS ISO CFMCC order 161500ZJUL14 to expand the scope of refusal to comply with the requirements of UNSCR 1699. 2 UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

3 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces CTF 956 Mission Statement 3 O/A 1 Aug 2014, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group TWO (FWD) deploy as CTF 956 (NEF Commander) and establish a secure Maritime Operations Center (MOC) and Forward Operating Base (FOB) at Bogue and Mile Hammock Bay. CTF 956 will conduct theatre security cooperation operations in Amberland and its territorial waters to establish local security, restore infrastructure, and support UNSCRs in order to increase Host Nation capacity, capabilities and regional stability. CTF 956 will be prepared to conduct humanitarian assistance, non-combatant evacuation operations and reception, staging, onward-movement and integration (RSO&I) for follow on U.S. and Coalition forces UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA


5 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces CTF 956 NEF EODGRU2 CRS-4 EOD PLT CEXC PLT ALPHA Co Landward Security Seaward Security US Forces VIRTUAL COCOM OPCON Coordination TACON TACOM UUV/VSW NLD Forces PMU AS PLT BRAVO Co Landward Security Seaward Security DELTA Co Delta 1 (RCB, MK IV) Delta 2 (RPB/RAB) Landward Security Seaward Security PSU 307 ~640Pax (act) ~73 Pax (act) Air Det (-) CBMU 202 UCT 1 NMCB 5 NMCB 1 Cargo Term Co Air Cargo Co (-) NCHB 11 Ex Support Co (-) Air Det COMCAM NLD EOD PLT EODMU 6 CTF 956 NEF Task Organization UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

6 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces UNCLASSIFIED 6 UNITCAPTASKPAXGEARMODE/LOC CTF 956 HQC2Naval Command and Control of NEF Forces in Amberland 73 J04ESU(-) J04MCP FOB BOGUE CTG 956.1Prev Med Conduct prev med operations to sustain all forces under CTF 956 and render humanitarian aid as required 25FDPMU Mobile Lab FOB BOGUE CTG 956.2 EOD/Divin g/COMCA M Counter IED and underwater clearance operations 60J04MU6(-)FOB BOGUE CTG 956.3Vert & Horz Const Civil military operations support; water well, MSR maint, host nation public infrastructure, camp maintenance/support, underwater construction 128P25(-) Water Well P25FIE(-) FOB BOGUE (-) FOB MHB (-) CTG 956.4Vert & Horz Const Civil military operations support; water well, MSR maint, host nation public infrastructure 128P25(-) Water Well P25FIE(-) FOB BOGUE CTG 956.5Port OpsSupport APOD and SPOD operations ISO CTF 956. 64F01(-)FOB BOGUE CTG 956.6Port SecProvide security, interdiction, point defense of critical assets. 640Port Sec Package FOB MHB CTF 956 Forces Available UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

7 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces 7 Mile Hammock Bay CTG 956.6 CTG 956.2 CTG 956.1 CTG 956.3(-) CTG 956.5 CTF 956 NEF CTG 956.4 CTG 956.3 (-) BOGUE Field FOB Overview UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA


9 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Mile Hammock Bay 9 Main Camp ECP Road Secured FOB Mile Hammock Bay UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

10 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces AREA OVERVIEW 10 Paldiski Clan Hamina Clan Lovisa Clan Kuresare Clan IDP camp Area Overview UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

11 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces 11 1 Aug Deployed CJCS & EASTCOM & CFMCC order 28 Aug 21 Aug Establish ExSPOD at MHC; offload FHA supplies; security convey to NGO warehouse ISR of ICW & RT 70 MSR work begin 15 Aug 25 Aug Turnover of SPOD to HN COMNECC Deploy Order 1 Jul CFMCC order to NEF 16 Jul 5 Aug 4 Aug XZ orders fuel rations 14 Aug NEF FMC IAW CFMCC order 27 Aug FOB Wilmington (MEU) Food Riot at IDP camp Establishing NEF in XZ Social unrest/food riot/ shortage at IDP Establishing pattern of life & increase XZ infrastructure Perform wholesale function of FHA 26 Aug FHA supplies at NGO spoke Current Events Increasing US and Coalition support to Amber and Amberland Current Events UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

12 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Key Take Aways NEF will continue to support the US Embassy on increasing local Ambertine capacity and capability to provide security and infrastructure support to their nation. Amberland requires increased U.S. and Coalition support to ensure the government remains in control. Majority of coordination has been with the Kuresare Clan. The environment is constantly changing and we are developing pattern of life in our area. 12 Key Take Aways UNCLASSIFIED//FOUO/REL USA, MNFA

13 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces BACKUP 13 UNCLASSIFIED

14 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Execution CTF 956 (NEF) T: Deploy to FOB Bogue T: Maintain Common Operating Picture (COP) for NEF forces T: Collect on, assess and refine Intelligence Carry On Program (ICOP) T: Identify and assess emergent threats to EASTCOM and Host Nation (HN) forces T: Provide daily reports to Combined Forces Maritime Component Command (CFMCC) T: Assess, maintain, report and adapt to force protection measures CTG 956.1 (FDPMU) T: Deploy to FOB Bogue T: Be Prepared To (BPT) provide preventive medical services to US, Coalition and HN forces T: O/A 26 Oct conduct water purification testing ISO CTG 956.3/4 CTG 956.2 (EOD MU6) T: Deploy to FOB Bogue T: BPT conduct Counter-IED (C-IED) operations T: BPT perform Sensitive-Site Exploitation (SSE)/Post-Blast Analysis (PBA) T: BPT conduct integrated Unmanned Underwater Vehicle (UUV) ops T: BPT conduct integrated EOD and Diving ops T: BPT conduct Anti-Terrorism/Force-Protection (AT/FP) diving ops ISO CTG 956.6 T: O/A 21-25 August conduct AT/FP diving ISO Expeditionary Sea Port of Debarkation (ExSPOD) at Morehead City (MHC) ISO CTG 956.6 **All times are Eastern will be in converted to ZULU for OPORD

15 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Execution (cont.) CTG 956.3 (NMCB 1) T: Deploy to FOB Bogue T: BPT provide camp security of Forward Operating Base (FOB) Bogue ISO CTF 956 T: O/A 21 August support Combat Outpost and Tactical Operations Center (TOC) setup at MHC ISO CTG 956.6 T: O/A 21-25 August to conduct U/W Hydrographic survey or MHC ISO CTG 956.6 T: NLT 15 Oct coordinate with HN to renovate school and make assessment T: NLT 26 Oct begin well-water construction T: BPT provide security escort for movement of NEF forces CTG 956.4 (NMCB 5) T: Deploy to FOB Bogue T: NLT 10 August coordinate construction of Main Supply Route (MSR) 1 T: NLT 25 August begin construction of MSR 1 T: NLT 15 Oct coordinate with HN to renovate school and make assessment T: NLT 26 Oct begin well-water construction T: BPT provide security escort for movement of NEF forces CTG 956.5 (NCHB 11) T: Deploy to FOB Bogue T: O/A 21-25 August conduct offload/onload of High-Value Assets (HVAs) in MHC ISO CTG 956.6 T: BPT provide camp security for NEF forces ISO of Theatre Security Cooperation (TSC) operations T: BPT support camp functions at FOB Bogue ISO CTF 956 **All times are Eastern will be in converted to ZULU for OPORD

16 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces Execution (cont.) CTG 956.6 (CRS-4) T: Deploy to FOB Mile Hammock Bay T: NLT 15 August conduct Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance (ISR) along Inter-Coastal Waterway (ICW) from MHB to MHC T: NLT 21-25 Aug establish TOC in MHC to provide Port Ops to include escort of HVAs, landward/seaward security, and other tasks to ensure safe delivery of humanitarian aid/supplies T: BPT provide 24-hour landward/seaward security in Mile- Hammock Bay (MHB) T: On order conduct other Maritime Security Operations (MSO) T: BPT provide security escort for movement of NEF forces COORDINATING INSTRUCTIONS FOR ALL SUBORDINATES: T: Conduct TSC operations in Amberland T: BPT coordinate with interagencies and HN ISO TSC operations and Foreign Humanitarian Assistance (FHA) T: BPT conduct Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration (RSO&I) T: BPT support Non-combatant Evacuation Operations (NEO) T: Provide daily reports to CTF 956 T: Maintain a COP T: BPT conduct Key-Leader Engagements (KLE) **All times are Eastern will be in converted to ZULU for OPORD

17 US Fleet Forces US Marine Corps Forces 10 Miles Area of Operations

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