13:3 Nazi Persecution of the Jews – 6 million Jews killed – “The Holocaust” In Hebrew, “Shoah” (catastrophe) Gypsies, homosexuals, Slavic people also killed.

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1 13:3 Nazi Persecution of the Jews – 6 million Jews killed – “The Holocaust” In Hebrew, “Shoah” (catastrophe) Gypsies, homosexuals, Slavic people also killed

2 Nuremberg Laws – Took citizenship away from Jews – Forbid marriage of Jews to Germans – Could not hold public office – Could not vote

3 Kristallnacht (“night of broken glass”)(1938) – Jewish refugee killed a German soldier – Hitler allows retaliation against Jews 90 Jews dead 7,500 Jewish businesses and synagogues destroyed

4 Wannsee Conference (1942) – “Final solution of the Jewish question” – Concentration camp Healthy and young would work until they dropped dead – Extermination camp Elderly, sick, and children executed in massive gas chambers

5 Concentration Camps – Built throughout Europe – Buchenwald (Germany) 200,000 prisoners Worked 12-hour shifts Hundreds died every month from exhaustion and disease

6 Extermination Camps – Treblinka – Auschwitz

7 Auschwitz – 100,000 people in 300 barracks – Gas chambers could kill 2,000 people at a time – Sometimes gassed 12,000 people per day – 1,600,000 dead



10 “I looked at a bottom bunk, and there I saw one man. He was too weak to get up; he could just barely turn his head. He was skin and bones. He looked like a skeleton; and his eyes were deep set. He didn’t utter a sound; he just looked at me with those eyes, and they still haunt me today” – American soldier Leon Bass

11 “The Holocaust was the most evil crime ever committed” – Stephen AmbroseStephen Ambrose

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