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What is Fiber? Plant materials that are eaten but can’t be digested by human enzymes.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Fiber? Plant materials that are eaten but can’t be digested by human enzymes."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Fiber? Plant materials that are eaten but can’t be digested by human enzymes.

2 How much fiber do we need??? 20-35 grams a day

3 Two Types of Fiber Soluble Fiber Insoluble Fiber

4 Soluble Fibers They form a gel once in the intestines and are easily digested by bacteria in the colon. EXAMPLES ◦ Legumes ◦ Barley ◦ Oatmeal ◦ Some Fruits ◦ Some Vegetables

5 Insoluble Fiber Do NOT dissolve in water, Do NOT form gels. They aid the digestive system by easing elimination waste. EXAMPLES: ◦ Outer layers of whole grains “bran” ◦ Strings of celery

6 Fiber helps prevent Constipation Hemorrhoid Diverticula (bulging pockets in the colon wall that can trap feces and then become infected. Colon Cancer Helps decrease cholesterol

7 Wheat Kernel

8 Endosperm The soft, white inside portion of the kernel containing starch and proteins. Biggest portion of the kernel. White FLOUR

9 Bran Outer layer of the kernel, covers the endosperm. The bran contains a small amount of protein, large quantities of the three major B-vitamins, trace minerals, and dietary fiber - primarily insoluble

10 Germ Smallest part of the kernel. The germ is high in B-Vitamins and Trace Minerals. Wheat germ can be purchased separately and is part of whole wheat flour.

11 Refined vs. Whole Refined the bran and germ are removed leaving only the endosperm. The whole kernel is used nothing is taken out.

12 Enriched, Fortified Nurtients are added to the flour. By law (Enrichment Act of 1942) and was amended in 1996 to include folate. ◦ Thimain ◦ Riboflavin ◦ Niacin ◦ Folate ◦ Iron are added.

13 Stone Ground Refers to a milling process using limestone to grind any grain, including refined grains into flour.

14 Wheat Bread Bread made with any wheat flour including refined enriched white flour.

15 Whole-Wheat Flour Flour made from whole-wheat kernels

16 100% Whole Grains The grain is entirely whole grain with no added refined grains.

17 Whole Grain Refers to a grain milled in its entirety not refined.

18 Wheat Flour Flour made from wheat, including refined white flour.

19 White Flour Flour made from endosperm that has been refined and bleached for maximum softness and whiteness

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