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Welcome to Year 1 Robins and Owls Class information.

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1 Welcome to Year 1 Robins and Owls Class information

2 Who are we? Teachers: Mrs Mulligan – Owls Miss Scott – Robins Teaching Assistants; Mrs Howard, Mrs Smith, Mrs Shaw/Mrs Fountain (1:1 support) *During our planning and preparation time, Mrs Mackey runs our enrichment programme.

3 Timetable Our timetable is not rigid but serves as a guide line for each day. During the day we have a mixture of whole class sessions, small group work with a teacher or with another adult and independent learning tasks. The duration of whole class and adult led tasks will increase during the year.


5 Every day - Each day there will be a maths session or activity, a phonic session and a reading session. There will be a teacher led task. There will be a range of other independent tasks and activities, some of which are compulsory. A TA will lead some activities and will at other times run small interventions.

6 Guided Reading time Two adult-led reading groups (each group will be with an adult twice a week) A group listening to stories on CDs A group sharing topic/information books A group sharing books in the book corner

7 Reading at home Share books daily Comment in reading record book; these will be looked at regularly. Suggestions for areas to focus/comment on are in the reading record. Children bring home library books on a Monday to be returned by Friday. Usually children will bring home a ‘free choice’ book from the classroom. At times it may be guided so that it will be at a level they can read more independently.

8 Writing Some form of writing daily Regular handwriting practise Applying phonic knowledge Differentiated expectations; must, should, could or challenge activity Support and building independence Encourage writing at home; meaningful, in context, reinforce letter formation

9 Maths Daily whole class mental/oral sessions Lots of encouragement to participate, counting together forwards and backwards Practical activities, games and use of IWB Using number track/line and 100 square Some recording, increasing during the year

10 Maths at home Lots of practical opportunities rather than asking them ‘sums’ Measuring, patterns, money, time Problem solving and reasoning; how do we know how many to get, how long is it until..., can we make sure it will fit, have we got enough.....???? How do you know?

11 Other areas Topic based curriculum (whole school), working as Key Stage A range of activities and whole class sessions to deliver a fun and meaningful curriculum Activities available throughout the week; such as painting, playdough, construction, role play, sand, computers, jigsaws, games ICT session on Tuesday including e-safety, Maths/ other curriculum areas games, keyboard skills

12 PE Wednesday and Friday, plus occasional other sessions No jewellery or hard headbands Ear rings removed at home Long hair ( boys/girls) tied up, scrunchie in Pe bag Black Shorts, t-shirt( yellow or white) & trainers/plimsolls Jogging bottoms/sweatshirt for outdoor PE if needed

13 Please name everything! We have lots of black jumpers! Lots of PE kits! Lots of clothes which look the same as yours!

14 Learning at Home Will come home fortnightly on a Friday Various sections to complete Some will be regular maths and phonics and other sections will be based on our topics and ongoing projects The return date for tasks will be written on the sheet

15 Odds and ends Healthy snacks for break time (fruit) Water in bottles available all day, named please Any money in envelope, named and labelled with purpose Encouraging independence; dressing & undressing, taking care of own possessions Expectations; simple manners Day begins at 8.50am for the register

16 School/home liaison Parent-teacher consultation evenings Open days Reading record book Written report To talk at other times, pop in after we have seen the children off at 3.30 (Tuesday- usually Staff meetings) Send a note or phone to arrange a time to chat We will see you as soon as we can! 8.50am is not the best time! (Use a post it note)

17 Rewards Catching children being good, verbal praise Reinforcing good behaviour Certificates and Stickers Traffic Light System Missing some play time or Golden Time

18 Year 1 is fun! Come & See! Work with the children Supervise art or DT activities Listen to readers Help with cooking Join us for trips or walks Prepare resources Help with displays Set up a role play area Share your special talents!

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