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Colonial Society Social Status, Roles of Men and Women, Education, Great Awakening, the Enlightenment, and associated Concepts.

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Presentation on theme: "Colonial Society Social Status, Roles of Men and Women, Education, Great Awakening, the Enlightenment, and associated Concepts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonial Society Social Status, Roles of Men and Women, Education, Great Awakening, the Enlightenment, and associated Concepts

2 Regions Northern (New England) Colonies –Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire –Economy Industries Little Farming –Many Cities –Limited number Slaves Free Blacks

3 Regions Middle Colonies –New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware –Economy Farming Some industry –Fewer cities than the North –Slavery

4 Regions Southern Colonies –Virginia, Maryland, North and South Carolina, Georgia –Economy based on agriculture –Few cities –Largest population of slaves

5 Factors that determine Social Classes (Control, Power, Influence) Land Wealth Occupation Race

6 Roles of Men and Women (Control, Power, Influence) Men –Vote –Hold public office –Own property –Controlled Business Family life –Controlled wife’s property and income Women –Raise Family –Domestic chores –No Rights Voting Property –Occasionally Artisans Owned business Effects of Society –Built communities and homes together –Faced hardships –Performed all necessary jobs to prosper

7 Education (Control and Influence) Purpose –Manners –Religion –Citizenship Determining Factors –Wealth –Social Class –Race –Gender –Geographic location Impact on Colonial Society –Strengthens the economy –Movement in social classes –Democratic/Independent thought –Feelings of superiority –Questioning

8 Great Awakening (Influence and Control) Religious revival –Traveling Preachers –Told colonists to commit to God –Emphasized idea of “separation of church and state Key Players - Traveling Preachers –Jonathan Edwards –George Whitefield Effects on Colonial society –Christianity more ethnically diverse –Stressed equality and charity –New denominations (types) of Christianity –Weakened Puritan church –Colonists Questioned religious and political authority Wanted to worship as they pleased Made connections to government by the people

9 Enlightenment (Influence and power) Movement –Stressed reason and scientific observation –Based on nature Key Players - natural philosophers –John Locke –Benjamin Franklin Natural Rights vs. Divine Rights Effects on Colonial Society –People began to think Scientifically Using reason Separation of church and state –Questioned Divine Rights (monarchy) Political and religious authority

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