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2009 State Board of Directors Orientation. Organizational Overview Mission Statement Staff Mission Statement Principals Membership Service Area Offices.

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Presentation on theme: "2009 State Board of Directors Orientation. Organizational Overview Mission Statement Staff Mission Statement Principals Membership Service Area Offices."— Presentation transcript:

1 2009 State Board of Directors Orientation

2 Organizational Overview Mission Statement Staff Mission Statement Principals Membership Service Area Offices

3 Mission Statement The mission of the Associated General Contractors of California is to provide education, training, advocacy, and resources to its members and to advance sound public policy for the construction industry. Adopted 10/2008

4 Principals & Membership AGC of California represents over 1,200 construction and construction related firms throughout the state. Membership in AGC of California is open to any company in the construction industry which adheres to the principles of Skill, Integrity and Responsibility.

5 Service Area & Offices National, State, and Local AGC members are supported by 38 staff members in seven offices District Composition Eureka Shasta Delta-Sierra North Bay San Francisco Bay Area Santa Clara Monterey Bay San Joaquin Tri-Counties Los Angeles Orange County Riverside/San Bernardino

6 Duties & Responsibilities

7 District Board of Directors Elected for a one year term Directs the activities of the Association within its district while following the policies of the State Board and Division Board of Directors Creates and appoints committees specific to the district’s needs Promotes the interests/issues of the district members and the Association Annually elects a District Chair and Vice Chair Provides future leaders of AGC

8 Division Board of Directors Elected for a one year term Also serves as a District Director Set policy for and govern the affairs of its Division Make recommendations on Association policy to the State Board of Directors Advocate the interests of its members Annual elects the Division Chair and Vice Chair; Associate and Specialty Directors Members are elected from the Districts

9 State Board of Directors Elected for a three year term Also serves as a Division and District Director Establishes policies and governs the affairs of the Association Adopts the Association’s budget Approves the Association’s legislative program Approves new members, resignations and expulsions Annually elects officers of the Association Annually establishes or sunsets standing state committees Creates and maintains a decision-making structure for Association policy development

10 Duties & Responsibilities

11 Executive Committee Employs and Supervises the CEO Serves as the Budget & Finance Committee Establishes the annual budget of the Association Is responsible for annual audit Approves Legislative Fund expenditure requests Reviews and approves requests for AGC involvement in litigation Approves support of Amicus Brief requests Serves as the Bylaws Committee Approves Industry Fund grant requests for submittal to trust funds Establishes annual five-year rolling strategic plan

12 Standing State Committees As established by the State Board of Directors: Reports to the State Board of Directors and provides recommended Association policies Provide technical information and support to the Association’s membership on the areas specified for its creation 2009 Standing State Committees/Councils: Associates Council Awards Committee Legal Advisory Committee Membership Development Committee National Affairs Committee Nominating Committee Open Shop Council Safety & Health Council Union Contractors Council (North & South)

13 Duties & Responsibilities

14 Division, District & Committee Plan meetings and agendas with staff Move members toward participation and decision making Communicates accomplishments to AGC’s leadership Approve minutes and reports to the State Board prior to distribution Reports to the board/committee on decisions and actions of the State Board of Directors that affect the committee’s goals or activities

15 Duties & Responsibilities

16 Staff Mission Statement To provide outstanding customer service through communication, integrity, passion, and commitment to teamwork by creating an internal environment of respect and professionalism that will allow staff to thrive to their ultimate potential. Adopted 10/2007

17 Staff Responsibilities Supports the mission of AGC and ensures that AGC provides quality service to all members and staff. Consistent with Association policies and business plan, guides the board of directors/committees in its scope of work Serves as staff liaison representatives for all local level contracting and administrative agencies. Serves as the informed resource to the chair and district/committee Primary responsibility for membership recruitment Serves as first point of contact for all Association services.

18 How AGC works

19 How AGC Works State Board of Directors 2 Division Boards of Directors 12 Standing State Committees Executive Committee 12 District Boards of Directors AGC of America AGC Education Foundation

20 How to Implement Policy in AGC Recommend action at the District, Committee/Council or Division Recommendation adopted by sponsoring entity That recommendation is then forwarded to the State Board of Directors for Deliberation Decision making Strategic Planning

21 AGC Policies Preservation and promotion of free and open competition in the construction industry (anti-trust) AGC is dedicated to the promotion of construction by contract in the public and private sectors within the State of California. AGC provides information to members and eligible non-members on a non-discriminatory basis in a manner that will promote full and fair competitive conditions. This policy was adopted in 1993 at the recommendation of the North Bay District Board of Directors.

22 The Voice of the Construction Industry

23 AGC Services AGC offers a broad range of services and products Safety & Health Labor Relations Legislative/Government Relations Education and Training Legal and Regulatory assistance

24 2008 Accomplishments Membership Ended the year 97% to goal; 2% net gain $1 Million PAC More than doubled our PAC contributions - $378,444 Marketing / PR Unveiled new website Implemented membership database for improved communications delivery Continue AGC marketing/branding Can be seen through our legislative/regulatory efforts Leading edge as an industry resource

25 2009 Focus “Its Good Business to Do Business With an AGC Member” Growing AGC PAC to $1 Million

26 2009 Meeting Dates March 4-8 AGC of America Annual Convention – San Diego Convention Center / San Diego, CA April 4 Constructor Awards – Marriott Newport Beach Hotel / Newport Beach, CA May 12-15 Spring Board Meetings & Conference – Monterey Plaza Hotel / Monterey, CA June 17 Legislative Day – Sacramento, CA October 27-31 Fall Board Meetings & Conference – Hyatt Grand Champions / Indian Wells, CA

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