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8th Grade Do Now 09/30/13 Essential Question: How is energy essential to our way of life? Objective: I can define Energy I can describe various forms of.

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Presentation on theme: "8th Grade Do Now 09/30/13 Essential Question: How is energy essential to our way of life? Objective: I can define Energy I can describe various forms of."— Presentation transcript:

1 8th Grade Do Now 09/30/13 Essential Question: How is energy essential to our way of life? Objective: I can define Energy I can describe various forms of energy. Homework: Bring in Poster Board for Wednesday Do Now: Set up do nows for week 9 Explain conduction and give an example of how it transfers heat energy. Explain radiation and give an example of how it transfers heat energy.

2 Alternative Sources of Energy

3 Nonrenewable vs. Renewable

4 Non-renewable What is non-renewable energy? Non – Renewable Energy - are sources that can not be replenished in a short period of time

5 Renewable Energy Renewable Energy – is energy that can be replenished naturally What is renewable energy?

6 Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation
Energy conservation - is any behavior that results in the use of less energy. Turning the lights off when you leave the room and recycling aluminum cans are both ways of conserving energy. What is Energy Conservation?

7 Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation
Energy efficiency - is the use of technology that requires less energy to perform the same function. In regards to the “musical chair” activity, how important is energy efficiency? What is Energy Efficiency?

8 Examples of Renewable Sources
Geothermal- uses the heat that comes from deep rocks under the surface of the Earth. Hydroelectric- generated from running water. (United Streaming Video) What is geothermal energy? What is hydroelectric energy?

9 Examples of Renewable Sources
Solar- The sun releases energy due to the nuclear fusion of hydrogen taking place within its core. The solar panels convert the sun’s energy into electricity. (United Streaming Video) What is Energy Efficiency?

10 Examples of Renewable Sources of Energy
Wind- used to turn wind turbines and make electricity (United Streaming Video) Biomass- uses the energy from plants and waste materials to make electricity. For example, wood can be burnt to make steam that turns turbines to make electricity What is wind energy? What is biomass energy?

11 Examples of Non-renewable energy
Oil and gas- fossil fuels that were formed millions of years ago. Organisms died and the carbon in their bodies was eventually turned into oil and gas. Coal-a fossil fuel that was formed millions of years ago when trees and plants died and formed a layer of peat. These layers continued to develop layers, which turned the peat into coal. What is oil and gas energy? What is coal energy?

12 Pros for Wind Energy It is renewable Wind is free
Wind turbines do not produce pollutants or greenhouse gases Eventually, it can be cost effective What are the pros of wind Energy?

13 Pros of Solar Energy It is renewable Gives off no pollution
Can be installed on rooftops Eventually, it will be cost-effective to the user Allows us to become less dependent on fossil fuels What are the pros of Solar Energy?

14 Open Response Question
Complete the open response question and place it into your class period box. Finished? Begin working on your alternative energy foldable

15 Cons for Solar Energy The cells are expensive
Weather can impact the efficiency of solar cells Pollution can impact the efficiency of solar cells What are the cons of Solar Energy?

16 Cons for Wind Energy Turbines can be damaged during storms
Can be harmful to wildlife Noise can be disturbing Low wind speed can impact efficiency What are the cons of wind Energy?

17 Pros for Hydroelectricity
No waste or pollution Can be used throughout the world Energy is virtually free More reliable than wind, solar, or wave power Water can be stored above the dam ready to cope with peaks in demand Hydroelectric power stations can increase to full power very quickly, unlike other power stations The sun provides the water by evaporation from the sea Could eliminate the cost of fuel What are the cons of hydroelectric Energy?

18 Cons for Hydroelectricity
Smaller models depend on availability of fast flowing streams or rivers Run-of-the-River plants can impact the mobility of fish and other river life Dams are very expensive to build Building a large dam will flood a very large area upstream, causing problems for animals that used to live there Finding a suitable site can be difficult Water quality and quantity downstream can be affected, which can have an impact on plant life What are the cons of hydroelectric Energy?

19 Pros for Nuclear Energy
Costs about the same as coal Does not produce smoke or carbon dioxide Produces huge amounts of energy from small amounts of fuel Produces small amounts of waste It is reliable.

20 Cons of Nuclear Power Nuclear waste is very dangerous.
Nuclear power is reliable, but a lot of money has to be spent on safety. If things go wrong it can produce a major disaster.

21 8th Grade Exit Slip What are the four types of renewable sources of energy?

22 8th Grade Do Now 10/13/11 Essential Question: How is energy essential to our way of life? Objective: I can describe various forms of energy. I can describe various factors that impact our Earth. Homework: Kyoto Protocol complete the lab worksheet Do Now: Take out your Mythbusters Testing the Greenhouse effect worksheet. Answer the following questions: What is one pro for biomass energy? What is one con for biomass energy?

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