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TRENCH WARFARE IN THE GREAT WAR. **WW I began in Europe in 1914 and lasted until 1918. The United States did not enter the war until 1917.** Neutrality-isolationism.

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Presentation on theme: "TRENCH WARFARE IN THE GREAT WAR. **WW I began in Europe in 1914 and lasted until 1918. The United States did not enter the war until 1917.** Neutrality-isolationism."— Presentation transcript:


2 **WW I began in Europe in 1914 and lasted until 1918. The United States did not enter the war until 1917.** Neutrality-isolationism

3 Trench warfare  Armies had dug a network of trenches (deep protective ditches) along the Western Front in which soldiers lived worked and fought  Living conditions were poor, many soldiers suffered from diseases such as trenchfoot

4 Trench Foot

5 “No Man’s Land”  The devastated area between the opposing armies’ trench lines where everything had been destroyed  Soldiers would come out of the trenches and race toward the enemy while fully exposed to enemy fire


7 1. Machine Guns-biggest impact!

8 2. Artillery

9 3. Poison gas  Germans introduced the use of chemical gasses as weapons  These gasses could burn the skin, blind, or destroy the lungs if breathed in  Fortunately, gas masks and rubber chemical suits offered some protection



12 4. Tanks-least impact!

13 5. Airplanes

14 6. U-boats (submarines)

15 7. Hand Grenades

16 8. Land Mines

17 Russia Pulls Out of the War  Two revolutions in Russia in 1917 (the first one democratic, the second one communist) ousted Czar Nicholas II  The new Russian government negotiated a separate peace with Germany and withdrew Russia from the conflict, closing the Eastern Front

18 American Victories  Summer 1918: US forces successfully defended Paris from a German attack  Fall 1918: US forces began the Battle of Argonne Forest, which would eventually shatter Germany’s fighting abilities

19 The War Ends  Revolt broke out in Austria and the Ottomans surrendered to the Triple Entente, leaving Germany alone to fight  After a mutiny broke out in the German navy and the people of Berlin erupted in riots over food shortages in Nov. 1918, Kaiser Wilhelm II stepped down as Germany’s leader, clearing the way for an armistice

20 WWI ended at 11 AM, Nov. 11, 1918-the 11 th day the 11 th month, the 11 th hour!

21 Wilson’s Fourteen Points  Pres. Wilson presented his plan for resolving the war; his plan sought to restabilize Europe and resolve the root problems that had started WWI to begin with  Britain and France rejected Wilson’s plan in favor of punishing Germany with harsh reparations (fines)

22 Points 1 - 5  Ban secret alliances  Respect freedom of the seas  Remove all barriers to trade (tariffs)  Everyone reduce the size of their military  Stop colonization, respect the rights of native peoples

23 Points 6 - 13  Specified the creation of new states in Europe (such as Poland) and redrew the boundaries of Europe  Also promoted self- determination for various European ethnic states

24 Point 14: The League of Nations  Create a “League of Nations” to help preserve peace and prevent future wars by offering a forum for resolving international disputes  The only one of Wilson’s 14 Points to be accepted by Europe

25 The Treaty of Versailles (ver sy)  Signed in June 1919  Officially ended WWI

26 1. Germany had to accept the blame for causing WWI

27 2. Germany had to pay reparations of $33 billion ($350 billion in today’s money)

28 3. Germany could only have a limited military

29 4. Germany had to give up territory to France & Poland

30 5. Germany had to give up its overseas colonies

31 Germans signed – but were furious over the terms…. A cause of WW II?

32 Congress Rejects the Treaty  US Senate refused to ratify the Treaty of Versailles because of strong opposition to joining the League of Nations –  Many feared that joining the League would mean giving up our right to decide our own foreign policies, while others saw the League as the type of “foreign entanglement” that Washington had warned the US to stay out of  US never signed the Treaty or joined the League, returned to a policy of isolationism

33 Casualties of war  1 in every 4 soldiers involved died in the war  Even more were maimed: lost limbs, lost vision, burned, etc.  Many suffered from mental problems after the war: “shell shock” or PTSD  Europe lie in ruins













46 Austrian Corporal Adolf Hitler History Repeats Itself…

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