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The Cold War: 1946 - 1989 East v. West Communists v. Capitalists Soviets v. America.

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2 The Cold War: 1946 - 1989 East v. West Communists v. Capitalists Soviets v. America

3 What is a Cold War? _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ ________. –Political tension –Economic conflict –Military tension ____________ – direct military action.

4 What caused the Cold War? Churchill and Stalin hated one another. ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ___. –The Iron Curtain ___________________________________ ___________________________________ ______________. Peenemunde / The Bomb –Weapons Race –Space Race

5 Personality Clashes Churchill and Stalin only pretended friendship in front of the cameras in WWII. ______________________ ______________________ ______. –Everyone behaved. ______________________ ______________________ ______. –Allies became 2 against 1 –FOR GOOD REASONS!

6 ___________: Stalin’s Betrayal of the Allies Remember the MARSHALL PLAN for rebuilding Germany? _________________________ _________________________ ______. The Soviet Union made Eastern Europe into _________________________ ___________________. –_______________________ ______

7 _______________________ – Winston Churchill Enclosing the satellite nations.

8 What was Stalin doing that was so bad in Eastern Europe? __________________________ Stripping other countries economies to support the Soviet Union. –Slave labor made of Nazis and political prisoners. –___________________________

9 What was Stalin doing in Eastern Europe? Lack of _________________ No freedom of movement. ________________________ –Stalin and the Soviets –Communism spreads

10 ____________________: 1948 Clear Stalin wasn’t going to reunify Germany. –_____________________________ _____________________________ ____ Berlin was in the Russian zone – ________________________________ ________________________________ ____________________ –_____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _____

11 The Berlin Blockade: 1948 __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _______________________. Stalin closed the escape route in 1948. __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ ________________________

12 The Berlin Airlift _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ _____________________ ____. 1949 – _____________________ _____________________ __ BUT Berlin remained a focal point for the Cold War.

13 What did Truman do about the Iron Curtain? ________________ The Berlin Airlift ________________ ________________ _____________ ________________

14 The Marshall Plan _______________________ To stop future ___________, to stop ____________ – rebuild the war-ruined countries of Europe. –________________________ –Get people jobs –Restore electricity, water, medical, roads, police / fire –_________________________

15 The Marshall Plan Austria, Belgium, Denmark,France, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, England, Western Germany

16 Stalin and the the Marshall Plan __________________ __________________ ____________. __________________ __________________ __________________. Wanted to keep punishing people.

17 The Berlin Wall Too many Berliners in the Soviet section wanted to live in freedom. ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ____________________. 1960

18 _______________________: 1947 ________________________ Any time there is a threat of Communism, the US had to stand up to it. ________________________ –Not as damaged by WWII

19 The ____________________ and Containment __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ _________ –________________________ ________________________ ________________________ ______ –Used to justify US involvement in Central America / South America 1960-1970s. –Europe and Africa

20 NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ Armed attack on one – considered an attack on all. ______________________ ______________________ __________________.

21 Stalin’s Response? __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ –Eastern Europe was militarized – so they’d be a buffer to protect Russian soil. –____________________________ ____________________________ ______________________. EXCEPT: Yugoslavia

22 Don’t Forget the role of technology in creating the Cold War Did Stalin know about the A-bomb? Was he or wasn’t he scared that NATO might drop the bomb on Russia? ______________________ ______________________

23 ________________________ : Also a cause of the Cold War Peenemunde: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _______. –Jet engines –A-bomb –V1 and V2 guided missiles –Guided Rockets –Plasma weapons

24 Dividing up the scientists after WWII The US took half and the Soviets took the other half. ___________________ ___________________ ________________. –____________________ ____________________ ________________. –Russian Sputnik program – 1957.

25 Werner Von Braun: Our German Scientist Created our NASA program. ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ _______________

26 The Peenemunde scientists launched Weapons Race –MAD ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ Space Race

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