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A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

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2 A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

3 Select a Template Click on Insert Click on New Slide Click on the Autolayout style you would like and then... Click O.K.

4 Create Your Slide Follow the directions on the Autolayout template in order to create your slide When you begin to type, the directions are replaced by your newly added text

5 Import a Graphic Click on Insert Click on Picture Choose the type of graphic you would like to add and Click

6 Locate the image on the web Click on the image with the right mouse button You may save the image as a file Or you may copy the image and then paste it into the appropriate section on your Power Point Slide

7 Give The Slide A Background Click on Format Click on Background Click on small rectangular box and then on colors or fill effects Apply to all slides or just the one you are working on

8 How About Some Animation? Click on Slide Show Click on Custom Animation Click the Effects Tab Click on Entry Animation (upper box) Experiment with the different Animation Options in the top box- notice the preview tab Click O.K. When Satisfied

9 Now For Some Sound Click on Slide Show Click on Custom Animation Click the Effects Tab Click on Sound (lower box) Experiment with the different options in the bottom box- notice the preview tab Click O.K. When Satisfied

10 You Also Can Link to the World Wide WebWorld Wide Web Click on Insert Click on the Last Item- Hyperlink Copy the URL from the site you would like to visit Paste the URL into the appropriate section of the Hyperlink dialogue box (link to URL or File)

11 Slide Transitions Click on Slide Show Click on Slide Transition Click on the box right under the cow and experiment with Transition and Sounds Apply to individual slide or whole show when satisfied

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