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The Power of Flowers. The Structure of a Flower Flower Parts Sepals - Outermost portion of flower - Protects flower bud from insect damage and drying.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Flowers. The Structure of a Flower Flower Parts Sepals - Outermost portion of flower - Protects flower bud from insect damage and drying."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Flowers

2 The Structure of a Flower

3 Flower Parts Sepals - Outermost portion of flower - Protects flower bud from insect damage and drying out

4 Flower Parts Petals -Usually brightly colored -Often have perfume or nectar to attract pollinators -Provides surface for insects to rest while feeding

5 Flower Parts Stamens -Contains pollen- producing anther at tip -Thin filament attaches anther to flower stem -When pollen grains mature, anther splits open to release them

6 Flower Parts Pistil -Contains 3 parts: stigma, style, ovary -Stigma is sticky surface where pollen lands -Style connects stigma to ovary -Ovary, which becomes the fruit, contains ovules which when fertilized, become a seed

7 Pollination! - Wind scatters pollen randomly - Nectar attracts animal pollinators - Colors signal appropriate pollinators - Scent attracts pollinators

8 Flower Structure Terms COMPLETE FLOWER - has all 4 organs - sepals, petals, stamens, and pistils INCOMPLETE FLOWER - lacks 1 or more organs

9 Question ? How are different flower shapes important to a plant’s survival? Hmm…

10 The Answer is… The shape of the flower may promote different pollination methods. For example, tube-shaped flowers are probably pollinated by animals. Groovy!

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