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The Renaissance 1300-1650. The Renaissance in Italy  Why Italy?  The Medicis Florence, Italy Lorenzo the Magnificent Patrons of the arts.

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Presentation on theme: "The Renaissance 1300-1650. The Renaissance in Italy  Why Italy?  The Medicis Florence, Italy Lorenzo the Magnificent Patrons of the arts."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Renaissance 1300-1650

2 The Renaissance in Italy  Why Italy?  The Medicis Florence, Italy Lorenzo the Magnificent Patrons of the arts

3 Defining the Renaissance  Creativity and change Politics Society Economy Culture  New Worldview  Humanism

4 Golden Age of the Arts  Art reflected humanistic concerns  Rules of perspective  Women artists  Change in architecture

5 Three Geniuses of Renaissance Art  Leonardo da Vinci Mona Lisa The Last Supper  Michelangelo Pieta’ David Sistine Chapel  Raphael Madonna paintings The School of Athens

6 Italian Renaissance Writers  Castiglione Handbooks about social ideals  Machiavelli The Prince

7 Artists of the Northern Renaissance  Albrecht Durer Engravings “German Leonardo”  Flemish Painters Jan van Eyck Hubert van Eyck Peter Bruegel Peter Paul Rubens

8 Northern Humanists  Erasmus Priest Called for a version of the Bible in the vernacular  Thomas More Utopia

9 Writers for a New Audience  Francois Rabelais  William Shakespeare  Cervantes Don Quixote

10 The Printing Revolution  Johann Gutenburg 1450 1 st printing press 1456 1 st complete Bible Moveable type  Printing Revolution Printed books More readily More readers

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