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Chapters 1 & 2 Exploration and Settlement Summary.

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1 Chapters 1 & 2 Exploration and Settlement Summary


3 Native Americans  Land bridge from Asia (Bering Strait)  In North America thousands of years  Maya, Aztec, Inca  European interest in exploration –Crusades –Renaissance –Monarchs financed voyages of discovery –Portugal – Prince Henry the Navigator (school for navigators)


5 Spain, France, England  When?  Why?  Where?  How?

6 Spain  3 G’s – Gold, God, Glory  Portuguese had already found routes around Africa –Bartholomew Dias – S. Africa –Vasco da Gama – S. Africa to India  Columbus – financed by Ferdinand and Isabella –1492 to San Salvador (Bahamas); 3 more trips –Thought he was in the Indies  de Soto – Florida, Mississippi  Coronado - Southwest  Cortez – Aztecs, Pizarro – Incas  Conquistadors


8 Scientific Advancements  CARAVEL – Ship that needed little wind, could handle extended travel  ASTROLABE – Determined LATITUDE on the globe via stars  COMPASS – Determined direction from magnetic North

9 Columbus

10 Spain  Caribbean, Central & S. America, Southern U.S.  Catholic missions, presidios (forts), disease, weapons, horses; harsh treatment of native population

11 Spain  Mestizos – mix of Spanish and Indian  Columbian Exchange – goods & products between Europe and the Americas  St. Augustine – first U.S. settlement (1565)




15 France  Believed in Northwest Passage to Asia  Settled Northeast, Canada, Louisiana (New Orleans – military base)  Fur trade with Indians – better relations; didn’t take their land  Champlain (Quebec)  Quebec established to keep out rivals


17 Chapter 2.3 – 2.5 Textbook information begins here

18 England  Defeat of Spanish Armada 1588  Also believed in the N.W. Passage  Roanoke – first attempt unsuccessful  Charter (grant of permission) – from king  Virginia Company - Joint Stock Company – investors (profit)  Jamestown, VA - 1607 – Capt. John Smith  Powhatan – assisted colonists; traded  us/videos/life-in-jamestown us/videos/life-in-jamestown


20 Types of Colonies  Joint - Stock – Investors/company (for profit)  Proprietary – Individual, small group  Royal – King (most became royal)

21 Southern – VA cont.  Many hardships – starvation & disease  John Smith – made colonists work  Pocahontas – helped colonists  House of Burgesses - First legislative body –Represents colonial commitment to representative government (Parliament) and democracy  John Rolfe – Tobacco, cash crop, saved VA  story-of-us/videos/the-value-of-tobacco story-of-us/videos/the-value-of-tobacco

22 Southern - VA  Headright System – 50 free acres if you paid your passage; attracted MANY to VA  Bacon’s Rebellion – western farmers against Gov. Berkeley –Poor farmers wouldn’t tolerate govt. catering only to the rich; taxes reduced –Wanted protection from Indians –Eventually failed –**Turned more to slavery; revolutionary spirit

23 Southern cont.  Maryland – Lord Baltimore (proprietary)  Refuge for Catholics  Maryland Toleration Act – religious freedom  Many Protestants came  Carolina split into North & South Carolina - Proprietary  Charleston – King Charles (main southern city)

24 Southern Cont.  Georgia – James Oglethorpe  Haven for debtors, buffer zone (Spanish FL)  Most were poor traders & artisans  No slaves, alcohol, gambling  VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, NORTH CAROLINA, SOUTH CAROLINA, GEORGIA

25 New England  Separatists – Pilgrims – 1620 – Plymouth (Massachusetts) – William Bradford  Mayflower (Compact) – agreed to obey laws; self government – founding principle  Puritans – religious dissidents  John Winthrop – governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony  Salvation through moral lives; strict  Town meetings – basis of representative govt.  Education important – read Bible (Harvard – 1 st college)

26 New England cont.  Salem Witch Trials  Did not practice religious toleration  Dissidents Roger Williams (Rhode Island), Anne Hutchinson banished, RI & CT more tolerant – Baptists, Quakers, Jews  Puritans viewed Indians as lazy savages  Pequot War – Puritans attacked and killed village – women, kids, etc. Very brutal.  Halfway Covenant – loosened requirements for Church membership which was declining

27 New England cont.  King Philip’s War (Chief Metacom) Indians defeated and lost most land in New England  Virtually destroyed Indians  Others: Connecticut, New Hampshire  MASSACHUSETTS, RHODE ISLAND, NEW HAMPSHIRE, CONNECTICUT

28 Middle Colonies  Dutch – New Netherlands  Hudson River - New Amsterdam (NY)  England took over – established New York, New Jersey  Delaware – Sweden and Finland; trade, farming  Pennsylvania – William Penn, proprietor  Quakers – tolerant, refused to bear arms, equality of women

29 Middle cont.  Most diverse colonies –Economically – trade, farming, etc.  Diverse population (nationalities)  Religious toleration  NEW YORK, NEW JERSEY, DELAWARE, PENNSYLVANIA


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