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Day 98 European Claim Muslim Land Reading: 352-356.

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Presentation on theme: "Day 98 European Claim Muslim Land Reading: 352-356."— Presentation transcript:

1 Day 98 European Claim Muslim Land Reading: 352-356

2 Grab for Territory Geopolitics- take for strategic location Mediterranean, Black, Red Seas and Persian Gulf

3 Further Decline of Otoman 1876 Ottoman reformers seize power create constitution and appoint Abdullamid II Sultan he immediately cancels the constitution and rules by himself 1908 the Young Turks restore the Constitution and depose Sultan

4 Crimean War 1853 Russian Need Warm weather Port in Balkans (Dardanelles and Mediterranean) British, French and Austria side with Ottoman (to stop Russia) Russia is defeated in 1856 War helps to destroy Peace/ Concert of Europe Russia then supports independence movements of Slavic people in the Balkans First war with nurses in the frontline – Florence Nightingale

5 The Great Game Undeclared War between Russia and Great Britain in India and Afghanistan Great Britain agrees not to extend beyond the Khyber Pass

6 Egypt Reforms 1805 Muhammad Ali broke away from Ottoman Ali shifts economy to Cash Crop to compete Ismail continues his grandfathers reforms and agrees to build Suez canal with French Quickly falls into debt and British and French investors demand that their countries oversee control British fight Sudan for control

7 French Colonies French take control of Algeria 150,000 French move in. Tunisia and Morocco are made into protectorates

8 Italy Italy is humiliated in defeat in Ethiopia in 1896. Italy is successful in taking Turkish Tripoli which it renames Libya

9 Persia 1908 Oil is found in Persia Persia did not have Capital to use its own resources- Anglo-Persian oil company is formed Nasir al din and concessions of Tobacco Persian people rebel Russian and British take spheres of influence

10 Jamal al-Din al-Afghani “ He has sold to the foes of our faith the greater part of Persian lands and the profits derived from them. For example…tobacco with the chief centers of cultivation, the land on which its grown and the warehouses, carriers and sellers wherever these are found… In short, this criminal has offered the provinces of Persia to auction among the powers, and is selling the realm of Islam and the abodes of Mohammed and his household to foreigners.”

11 1)By 1914 what had occurred to the Ottoman Empire? 2)Who was the biggest loser in the Crimean War? 3)Who instituted major reform in Egypt? 4)The Suez Canal was built by a combined effort of what groups? 5)What area was divided into spheres of influence between Russia and Great Britain?

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