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ICT Impact on Society By Charlotte Lee 7A2. Introduction The impact on society is very great. With all the new gadgets and devices, the world cant live.

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Presentation on theme: "ICT Impact on Society By Charlotte Lee 7A2. Introduction The impact on society is very great. With all the new gadgets and devices, the world cant live."— Presentation transcript:

1 ICT Impact on Society By Charlotte Lee 7A2

2 Introduction The impact on society is very great. With all the new gadgets and devices, the world cant live with out it. The impact on society is very great. With all the new gadgets and devices, the world cant live with out it.

3 Communication/ Social Networking Communication is very handy in ICT. There are lots of Social Network sites and you can see people when you talk to them with a webcam. These are some examples of Social Network sites: Facebook Facebook MSN MSN Twitter Twitter MySpace MySpace Flickr FlickrAdvantages You can keep in touch with people like relatives and friends who live far away. You can keep in touch with people like relatives and friends who live far away. They are free to join. They are free to join. You can get an email address for instance on MSN. You can get an email address for instance on MSN. You can hear the latest news. You can hear the latest news.Disadvantages People can have fake identities and say they are your friend but they’re not. People can have fake identities and say they are your friend but they’re not. People can hack into your account and see your information like where you live. People can hack into your account and see your information like where you live. Cyber Bulling. Cyber Bulling.

4 Online Shopping With online shopping there are lots of sites where you can buy things. These are a few examples: eBay eBay TESCO TESCO Sainsburys Sainsburys Clothes Shops Clothes Shops Holiday Booking Holiday Booking Amazon Amazon Also you can track where you your items you have ordered are and when they were sent out on some websites. Disadvantages It could be a fake website and your computer could get viruses. It could be a fake website and your computer could get viruses. Somethings can cost a certain amount but the also they charge post and packaging so it could cost more than you wanted. Somethings can cost a certain amount but the also they charge post and packaging so it could cost more than you wanted.

5 Maps You can also finds maps and see where you are going on the internet. For instance on Google maps you can look at peoples homes! Advantages If you have booked a holiday or you are moving somewhere new, you search it and see what it looks like. If you have booked a holiday or you are moving somewhere new, you search it and see what it looks like. Its an easy way of finding places and you can print them off and take it with you. Its an easy way of finding places and you can print them off and take it with you.Disadvantages Sometimes it can find the wrong place. Sometimes it can find the wrong place. The photos of the places can be out of date. The photos of the places can be out of date.

6 Entertainment There are lots of sources of entertainment on the Internet, such as; YouTube YouTube iTunes iTunes Spotify Spotify iPlayer iPlayer itv player itv player we7 we7Advantages You can watch videos and listen to music You can watch videos and listen to music On iplayer and itv player, you can watch things you have missed in TV on itv and BBC. On iplayer and itv player, you can watch things you have missed in TV on itv and BBC.Disadvantages The videos on iplayer only stay there for a week. The videos on iplayer only stay there for a week. Sometimes you click on a video and it could possible have a virus. Sometimes you click on a video and it could possible have a virus.

7 Work You can research many things on the internet on Google or Bing etc. You can also read books on the computer. Advantages It is an easy way to access information and work It is an easy way to access information and work You can save things on a memory stick and then put it on a different computer. You can save things on a memory stick and then put it on a different computer.Disadvantages Sometimes when you download things it takes ages Sometimes when you download things it takes ages You can sometimes get viruses. You can sometimes get viruses.

8 Games Consoles There are many types of games consoles, such as; PS/PSP PS/PSP Wii Wii DS DS XBOX 360 and Kinect XBOX 360 and Kinect And many more. And many more.Advantages On some consoles you can talk to people online On some consoles you can talk to people online On XBOX you can play it on your Windows Phone. On XBOX you can play it on your Windows Phone. You can play a variety of games and games based on films. You can play a variety of games and games based on films.Disadvantages People can hack into accounts, Sony at the moment has been hacked on PlayStation. People can hack into accounts, Sony at the moment has been hacked on PlayStation. They cost lots! They cost lots!

9 Mobile Phones On mobile phones you can communicate with people by texting and calling them. Also you can go on the internet! Advantages You can text and call people for cheap prices on some networks You can text and call people for cheap prices on some networks You can go on the internet for free on some contracts You can go on the internet for free on some contracts Some phones may have Bluetooth so if your friends phone has Bluetooth you can send each other stuff for free. Some phones may have Bluetooth so if your friends phone has Bluetooth you can send each other stuff for free.Disadvantages Some phones may cost a lot of money. Some phones may cost a lot of money. Some networks are expensive. Some networks are expensive. Some don't let you have free internet. Some don't let you have free internet.

10 Camera On cameras you can do quite a few things and most people have 1 or maybe 2! On cameras you can do quite a few things and most people have 1 or maybe 2!Advantages Some may be cheap Some may be cheap You can take pictures and you can record videos on many cameras You can take pictures and you can record videos on many cameras Some can have a lot of memory so you can take more pictures and videos. Some can have a lot of memory so you can take more pictures and videos.Disadvantages Some may be very expensive to buy. Some may be very expensive to buy. Some may not take very good pictures and videos. Some may not take very good pictures and videos. They are easy to steal. They are easy to steal.

11 Cyber Bulling Cyber Bulling is horrible and it is very serious. Some people have gone to prison for it! Disadvantages People who have your mobile number can get a new number and can bulling. People can bully you on the computer They can pick on you at school. They can hack into your accounts e.g. MSN, Facebook, Google.

12 Dangerous People There are lots of dangerous people on the internet; such as : Paedophiles Hackers People with Fake Identities (Paedophiles) All these types of people are out there, these are things they do: The hackers can steal information and give computer viruses such as the Trojan. Paedophiles pretend to people they’re not and they become your friends and they ask to meet up and people can get killed, kidnapped and raped! Showing Pictures can alert people and make you their target!

13 Medical Tech. Medical Tech. can be bad and good. These are the bad things: If you have all you’re medical information on their system and they lost it all you could become ill. The information on the system could be wrong and they could give you the wrong treatment. It’s the law to have your medical information or you could be sent to court and then jail. Also you can be fined if you don’t have medical information at doctors and hospitals.

14 Financial Transactions Financial Transactions are when money is transferred from one party to another in exchange for goods or services provided. They can also be when a person or corporation makes an investment in some form of financial product or vehicle. Disadvantages You may pay to much for a service or goods. You may pay to much for a service or goods. Maybe subject to currency exchange rates. Maybe subject to currency exchange rates. Money may be lost during the transaction. Money may be lost during the transaction. You could be given the wrong amount of money. You could be given the wrong amount of money. You may receive forged notes. You may receive forged notes. Maybe subject to financial scam. Maybe subject to financial scam.

15 Data Capture Data capture is when you enter data into something, such as; Keyboard Typing Keyboard Typing Voice Recording Voice RecordingDisadvantages Cost of it Cost of it Accessories – memory card Accessories – memory card When something goes wrong it will cost to fix. When something goes wrong it will cost to fix. It could be bad quality. It could be bad quality.

16 Manufacturing Manufacturing is important in the world of ICT, e.g. CAD/CAM Computers Advantages Quick and easy to use Provides a lot of stuff Disadvantages Malfunctioning- go wrong

17 Thanks for Reading.

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