Coaching for Learning June Online Meeting Reminder: Use the Audio Wizard to ensure you can hear the presentation. 1.

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Presentation on theme: "Coaching for Learning June Online Meeting Reminder: Use the Audio Wizard to ensure you can hear the presentation. 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coaching for Learning June Online Meeting Reminder: Use the Audio Wizard to ensure you can hear the presentation. 1

2 Welcome to Today’s Meeting Audio Check: Use the Green Check from the Poll to indicate that you can hear me. Reminder: To talk, please press the Talk button in the Audio & Video area.

3 Welcome Teams!

4 Agenda Online Meeting Tools for Participants Coaching for Learning Expectations – Online Monthly Meeting – Google Site – Participate in Edmodo Group – Supporting Collaborative Teaming Practices at school Coaching for Learning Vision Coaching for School Growth Model Teaming Structures Readings/ Assignments

5 Online Meeting Tools for Participants 5 Show Emotion Step Away from Session Raise Hand Respond to Poll Select Objects Pointers Pen Text Box Draw Filled Rectangle Unfilled Rectangle Draw a Line Take Screen Capture of Page Insert Clip Art

6 Coaching for Learning Expectations Attend Online Meetings – Real time: attend if at all possible – Recording: Facilitators will email all team members the link to the recording so that they can revisit the content. Participants who are unable to attend the scheduled meeting should submit a reflection document to their Google site for the meeting that they missed (full and specific reflection required for graduate credit).

7 Coaching for Learning Expectations Google site: – Create Google site. – Fill out Google form for participants to provide their first name, last name, email address and their Google site link.

8 Personal Google Site Required Singular & private place to “house” your reflections, data and assignments Structure for you to find and submit data that might be requested from WVDE for evaluation purposes Requirement for graduate credit

9 Google Site Format Home page – Name, coaching role, county, schools assigned, contact information Pages: – Page for each Online meeting – Page for each school that you work with Decorate any way you choose. The site will be yours after the Coaching for Learning year-long PD is over. Invite Linda Bragg ( as a viewer or collaborator of your Google site. After the end-of-year evaluation, you may “uninvite” Linda and the use the site as you choose. 9

10 Sample Google Site 10

11 1. Go to your Google Site. 2. Copy the web address of your site. 3. Go to the online form at 4. Complete the form. (Don’t forget to paste the web address in the appropriate box. Send Google Site Link to Linda by completing her online Google form.

12 Google Site Q & A

13 Coaching for Learning Expectations Participate in the Coaching for Learning Edmodo group. Respond to the monthly discussion question posted by Linda. Create an Edmodo account. Join the Coaching for Learning Edmodo group. (Coaching for Learning code: k31a8j) Join the Edmodo group for your team. Obtain code for your team from your facilitator.

14 Joining Edmodo Groups Log into Edmodo. Click Join. Type in the Edmodo group code provided to you. Coaching for Learning Group is Code: k31a8j 14 Obtain Edmodo group code for your team from your facilitator.

15 Coaching for Learning Expectations Commitment to working with a school that is willing to engage in collaborative teaming practices (data-based decision- making, shared inquiry, etc.).

16 Coaching for Learning Vision

17 Coaching for School Growth Lever: Building a Collaborative Culture Facilitates collaboration through teaming processes. Supports the effective use of teams in the continuous improvement processes— time/team structures and addressing the critical questions of teaching and learning).

18 Thinking about Teaming Structures Back at the Ranch (at the schools where you will work) How are Collaborative Teams (CTs) organized? What is the thinking for the CT structure? Is every teacher on a CT? How are the CT leaders/facilitators chosen?

19 Administrative Team School Leadership Team Collaborative Team Focus Team(s) Student Assistance Team Local School Improvement Council Collaborative Team Faculty Senate Central Office

20 School Leadership Team Collaborative Team Administrative Team

21 What are our teams doing? Imagine your school has structures in place and teachers have time to meet…NOW WHAT?

22 Critical Questions of Teaching and Learning 1. What do all students need to know, understand and be able to do in this lesson or unit of study? 1.5 -- What CORE instruction will best facilitate the learning? 2. How will we know if they have learned it? 3. How will we respond if students do not learn? 3.5 -- What TARGETED or INTENSIVE instruction will likely have the most impact, given the evidence of student learning? 4. How will we respond when they already know it? 4.5 -- What projects or collaborative studies will likely have the most impact for enrichment or acceleration, given the evidence of student learning?

23 Assignment: Create your Google Site (and pages) Invite Linda Bragg ( Copy the URL of your site into Linda’s Google Form

24 Assignment: Obtaining a Deep Understanding of West Virginia’s Model of Coaching for School Growth Read “Coaching for Learning Vision” Using the format of your choice, respond to the document in a manner that reflects your understanding of the Coaching for School Growth Model. Post your response to the June Online Meeting page of your individual Google Site.

25 Assignment Check out the allthingsplc website. It has a wealth of resources about collaborative teaming practices (professional learning communities). Find one resource from the website that you think would be particularly helpful. Post it in the Coaching for Learning Edmodo group.

26 Assignment Discussion Question Please post a response to the discussion question posted by Linda Bragg in the Edmodo Coaching for Learning Group.

27 Reading & Reflection Assignment Chapter 3 (59-93) Read Chapter 3, Learning By Doing (about Critical Questions 1 & 2). Using the Triangle, Square, Circle Graphic organizer, reflect upon the reading. Post your full and focused response to the June Online Meeting page of your Google Site.

28 Coaching for School Growth See You Online in Edmodo and in the July Meeting!

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