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 Biomolecules. What is Biochemistry  The study of the chemistry of life (involving matter).

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Presentation on theme: " Biomolecules. What is Biochemistry  The study of the chemistry of life (involving matter)."— Presentation transcript:

1  Biomolecules

2 What is Biochemistry  The study of the chemistry of life (involving matter).

3 Element  Basic Building Block of matter that can not be broken down  About 26 found in living things  C=Carbon  H= Hydrogen  N=Nitrogen  O= Oxygen

4 Atoms  Made of 3 types of subatomic particles In the nucleus  Protons : Positive  Neutrons :Neutral Orbiting the nucleus  Electrons : Negative

5 Compound  2 or more atoms chemically combined  What is H 2 O?

6 Covalent?  Sharing of electrons between atoms CO 2

7 Ionic:  transfer of electrons between atoms NaCl

8 Buffers  Chemical that neutralize small amounts of acids/ bases

9 Monomers vs. Polymers  Small parts of a long chain  Refers to a molecule that is a long chain of many smaller parts

10 4 major Biomolecules 1. Lipid 2. Carbohydrate 3. Nucleic Acid 4. Protein

11 Lipid  Organic compound used for long term energy storage and makes up cell membrane. Contain carbon an hydrogen (fat, oil, wax)

12 Lipid  Long term energy storage  Made up of Carbon and hydrogen

13 Plasma Membrane: made of lipids

14 EXAMPLES  Fats  Oils  Waxes

15 Carbohydrate  Is the quickest energy storage for life. Contain carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

16 Carbohydrate Energy storage (OSE=SUGAR)

17 GLUCOSE: Simple sugar  The monomer of Carbohydrates

18 CELLULOSE: Rigid, makes up cell wall Found in plants cell wall

19 STARCHES: Complex (polysaccharides)  POLY?

20 GLYCOGEN: Long-term backup glucose source

21 Nucleic Acid  Monomer: Nucleotides  DNA: stores genetic info in the nucleus  RNA: Transmits genetic info for protein production


23 DNA Structure

24 Protein  Monomer: Amino Acid (aa)  Polypeptide chain (peptide bond)  Function : used for growth and repair. Provides essential enzymes and other structures that are used for growth and repair

25 Protein  Contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen

26 Insulin  Released by the pancreas; regulates blood sugar (helps body use sugar)  If you body can not reach the blood levels recommended you have to take insulin

27 Enzymes  Catalysts(speed up reactions; break things down)

28 Lock and Key  When the substrate binds to the enzyme!

29 How Enzymes work Substrate: the molecule to which an enzyme binds to the substrate and acts upon (Puzzle pieces)

30 What affects enzymes?  Temperature and pH  The shape is change ( denatured)

31 Activation Energy  The necessary energy to start a chemical reaction

32 Activation Energy

33 pH Scale  The scale that is used to identify acids and bases (range 0-14) Acids below 7, bases above 7

34 Organic compound?  CONTAINS CAROBON

35 Hemoglobin  Protein in red blood cells. Carries oxygen in the blood

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