European Exploration & Conquest 1450-1650 Chapter 15.

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1 European Exploration & Conquest 1450-1650 Chapter 15

2  Ongoing economic, religious and social change  Exploration & conquest  Religious conflicts  Intellectual & artistic excitement  New ideas, artistic forms and genres  Race  Africans  Christian theological writings  Medieval Arab sources – disparagement of Africans  Physical features  Heathen religions  Cultural primitiveness  Accounts written by Euro slavers & travelers – 16 th & 17 th C  Prejudices were used to justify slavery & the imposition of Christianity  Slavery reinforced notions of African inferiority Changes in Attitudes & beliefs

3  Elizabethan Literature  Philip Sidney – poetry  Edmund Spenser – poetry  Christopher Marlowe – playwright  William Shakespeare – playwright  Reflected Ren values of individualism & humanism  Growing Eng nationalism  Histories – written the decade after the defeat of the Spanish Armada  The Tempest – exploration of colonialism  Jacobean Literature  During the reign of James I  King James Bible – the Authorized Version  a new translation prompted by Protestant commitment for lay people to read the Scriptures in the vernacular Changes in Attitudes & beliefs

4  Many AP questions ask you to make evaluations or comparisons. In such essays, be sure you take a position, develop a thesis and defend it with evidence, not just answer the question with lists of the important facts involved. AP Tip

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