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Outcomes - Explore and communicate current understanding of local, regional and global environmental issues - Explore how technology is used to gather.

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Presentation on theme: "Outcomes - Explore and communicate current understanding of local, regional and global environmental issues - Explore how technology is used to gather."— Presentation transcript:

1 Outcomes - Explore and communicate current understanding of local, regional and global environmental issues - Explore how technology is used to gather and communicate information and to address the issues - Identify links between personal behaviour and local, regional and global environmental issues - Identify individual impacts on the environment using the concept of ecological footprint.

2  How many hectares did you require to live?  There are 7 billion (7 000 000) people on earth and 14.8 billion (14 800 000 000) hectares of land. How many earths would we need if everyone lived like you?

3  Fracking  Waste management  Land development  Potash  Water Potability

4  Fracking, short for hydraulic fracturing, refers to the process of forcing a pressurized liquid into the ground to create fissures in rock.  This process allows easier access to the natural gas located in the ground.  Fracking 101 Fracking 101

5  Can you do this with your tap water? Can you do this with your tap water?  Don’t drink this water Don’t drink this water  The Fracking Song The Fracking Song  CBC News Report on Fracking CBC News Report on Fracking

6  Wet/Dry  Recycling drop offs  Recycling pick up  Compost pick up  Composting at home  Garbage pick up  What about the other stuff?

7  Are there any land development being considered in Belleisle?

8  What is potash?  Potash is the common name for various mined and manufactured salts that contain potassium in water- soluble form. In some rare cases, potash can be formed with traces of organic materials such as plant remains. Potash is produced worldwide at amounts exceeding 30 million tonnes per year, mostly for use in fertilizers.

9  Aluminum recycling  Metal electroplating  Oil-well drilling fluid  Snow and ice melting  Steel heating treating  Water softening  Industrial water treatment  Animal feed supplements  Cement  Fire extinguishers  Food products  Photographic chemicals  Textiles  Beer brewing  Pharmaceutical preparations  Rubber manufacturing



12  Climate change  Resource depletion  Extinction  Imbalance of resources

13  The warmth of the sun is responsible for life on Earth.  Some incoming solar radiation bounces back into space but a small portion of it is trapped by the gases that make up our atmosphere.  Without this layer of insulation, Earth would simply be another frozen planet.

14  Carbon is stored all over the planet — in plants, soil, the ocean, and even us.  We release it into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide through activities such as burning fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and cutting down trees.  We have released so much carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that our planet's atmosphere is now like a thick, heat-trapping blanket.

15  The positive feedback loop ◦ The polar ice cap works like a mirror, reflecting the suns rays back into the atmosphere. As the ice melts, less heat is being reflected and more is being absorbed. ◦ As the ice melts, methane gas, that is normally trapped in the ice cap is released into the atmosphere. *METHANE IS ANOTHER GREEN HOUSE GAS*

16  The weather  Less biodiversity  Rising sea level

17  Resource depletion occurs when a natural resources in an area has been exhausted.  Human beings currently use resources far more quickly than they can be replenished.  Ex. The growing use of petroleum, which is a finite resource and takes millions of years to create, is being used up at a rate where we could be facing depletion within the next five generations.

18  Ex. With growing population, land degradation, rising sea levels, etc., we are also facing a situation where the Earth can no longer feed the vast amount of people on the planet.

19  What is extinction?  What causes extinction?  Scientists predict that our present course will lead to the extinction of half of all plant and animal species by 2100.


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