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SELECTION HIGHER BUSINESS MANAGEMENT. APPLICATION FORMS Filled in by applicants. Forms are standardised so all applicants are asked the same stuff. It.

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2 APPLICATION FORMS Filled in by applicants. Forms are standardised so all applicants are asked the same stuff. It will ask personal details as well as asking about your experiences.

3 CURRICULUM VITAE Might be used instead of an application form. Same details tend to appear in a CV but gives candidates a chance to expand more.

4 Once application forms or CVs are received the firm will check them against the job description and person specification and sort applicants into 3 categories 1. Seems to be suitable 2. Possibly suitable 3. Unsuitable

5 INTERVIEWS This is one of the most common methods of selection. This gives the organisation and the applicant both a chance to expand on their application form or CV.

6 INTERVIEW METHODS 1.One-to-one 2.Successive Interviews 3.Panel Interviews

7 POOR INTERVIEWS Happens for two reasons 1. Lack of training of the interviewer 2. Lack of adequate preparation

8 A GOOD INTERVIEW Be open-minded and unbias Be prepared Welcome the interviewee Control the interview Supply information Close the interview Follow up – write up notes straight away

9 TESTING Becoming more popular in selecting candidates. Goes one step further than interviews, as you can test the ability, intelligence etc of an applicant.

10 TYPES OF TESTING 1. Intelligence Tests Designed to test thinking (mental) ability. Tests numeracy, literacy and problem solving skills. 2. Personality/Psychometric Tests Aimed to find out the main personality of an applicant. E.g. Are they introvert or extrovert. Example is Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI)

11 3. Attainment Tests Tests that consist of testing skills they say they already have. E.g. Word Processing tests for applicants for an office job. 4. Aptitude Tests Assesses the natural skills of a person. E.g. a dexterity test 5. Medical Tests Some jobs may require you to be tested by a doctor to check health. E.g. pilots.

12 ASSESSMENT CENTRES Used by large organisations mostly. Candidates come and spend a day/weekend at a centre where they will have a number of interviews and do a number of tests.

13 APPOINTMENT At the end of the selection process, the firm will decide on the best candidate for the job and offer it to them. Unsuccessful candidates also have to be told that they have not got the job.

14 CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT This sets down the terms and conditions of your employment. The contract will have such things as the hours to be worked, rate of pay, holiday entitlement, sick pay, notice period. This should be received within 8 weeks of starting your job.

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