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Critical Reading Strategies: Overview of Research Process

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1 Critical Reading Strategies: Overview of Research Process
Week 3

2 Critical Thinking A rational examination of ideas, inferences, principles, conclusions Uses criteria for critiquing Clarifies Considers content appropriateness Questions own thinking Uses skepticism

3 Critical Reading Active, intellectual process where the reader uses interpretation and objective assessment of written material Identify concepts Clarify concepts Question assumptions and rationale Determine supporting evidence

4 Four Levels of Critical Reading
Preliminary understanding: skimming Title Abstract Identify main theme

5 Critical Reading Levels (cont)
Comprehensive understanding: Variables and concepts Definitions Relationships Terminology Main idea or theme Restate in own words

6 Critical Reading Levels (cont)
Analysis understanding: Understand parts Begin to critique Summarize in own words each part Synthesis understanding: Put together Explain relationships Critique

7 Critiquing A process of objectively and critically evaluate content for scientific merit and application to practice, theory, and education. Uses criteria: research process Find strengths as well as weaknesses

8 Abstract Brief (50-250 words) Comprehensive (succinct)
Research purpose Research questions and/or hypotheses Methodology Results Implications for practice or future research

9 Research Problem or Purpose
Researcher presents a picture of area researched Abstract Introduction Aims Conceptual framework

10 Purpose Why study was done is defined Introduction
End of Literature Review End of Conceptual Framework

11 Literature Review and Framework
Presents main concepts investigated Review of Literature Literature Review Theoretical Framework Related Literature Background Conceptual Framework

12 Hypothesis, Problem or Question
Quantitative Research Problems, hypotheses, questions Qualitative Research Questions and purposes Found: Under separate headings Introduction Background Results or Findings

13 Design Blueprint of study Found How purpose and problem were studied
Differs by qualitative or quantitative Found Procedures Methods

14 Sample Who are the subjects and how were they selected? Found: Type
Size Found: Methods Methodology Subjects Sample

15 Instruments: Measurement tools
Validity Measurement instrument measures what it is supposed to measure Reliability Measurement instrument is consistent in measures.

16 Procedures and Data Collection
How data or information collected How measures or instruments used Found Procedures Data collection

17 Data Analysis and Results
Procedures for analyzing data Statistical tests Descriptive/inferential tests results Procedures to analyze themes, concepts, observational data Found Results Findings Method

18 Discussion of Findings
Ties parts together for a whole New findings Unexpected findings Found Discussion

19 Implications, Limitations, and Recommendations
Based on findings Suggest applications for practice and education Self critique Found Conclusion and recommendation Discussion Implications

20 References Resources used in research or article
Primary Secondary Support for material presented


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