League Tracking System LTS09 Simply the easiest way to organize and track your league!

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1 League Tracking System LTS09 Simply the easiest way to organize and track your league!

2 LTS09 Features Can be used with most sports Multi League License – Install on every computer associated with your league. Scheduling Team Standings Player Administration Official database and scheduling Numerous existing reports and custom user defined reports Helps make your league more efficent and saves money

3 Scheduling Games The LTS software has 4 Different Schedulers. Each scheduler is designed to meet different scheduling needs 1) Weekly Scheduler – Creates game schedules based on a template during the week. Enter Playing times during the week and the amount of games needed. The Weekly Scheduler does the rest, creating game dates and times. 2) Date Scheduler – Allows users to select specific dates from a calendar 3) 2 Division Scheduler – Schedules 1 Division that has 2 sub divisions. Users control the amount of sub division games and cross over games 4) Group Scheduler – Schedules 1 or more divisions that share the same facilities and times. Creates times slots on a weekly template and or selected from a calendar.

4 Scheduling Games Creates balanced accurate game and practice schedules in minutes. Each Scheduler has options that help control the scheduling process. Prevent doubleheaders and control team rest periods. Schedules travel teams games. Balance Report displays time slot, facility, day game counts and team pairings. No more manually counting games or time slots for each team. Group Scheduler option allows spreading games evenly across the season for divisions with different amount of teams and games. Ensures seasons ends the same time for all divisions. Accommodates team off days or facility off dates Edit games using the Game Editor to change any part of the game. Use the Game Swapper to switch any 2 games. Game Status instantly displays scheduling items. Great feature for users who customize the schedule with the game editor and need to ensure no mistakes were made.

5 Weekly Scheduler Each Scheduler allows flagging games with different user assigned colors Create and display notes for any game

6 Season Standings Automatically calculates league standings from scores. Export standings in multiple formats. Displays Multiple Sports formats – runs, points, goals

7 Player Administration

8 Complete player database Track uniform sizes and turn-ins Creates mailing labels Numerous existing administrative reports Easily creates custom reports which can be exported in a variety of formats. Good for turning into parent organizations Blast email messages to players using the email center. Saves money on postage Automatically draft players, skips players manually assigned to teams. Print team rosters and view them in various formats such Excel or HTML Track registration payments and totals. Ready for networking the player database between multiple computers.

9 Officials Schedule officials for games using various parameters such as blocking dates, facilities or teams Track payments Generate mailing labels Contains various reports to organize and inform league officers of umpire, officials status Counts games assigned to an umpire ensuring equal game times.

10 System Requirements Windows 95/98/ME/XP/Vista 12 Mega Byte free hard disk space.

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