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A Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Entire Back to Back Event Management Solution Copyright © ANGLER.

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Presentation on theme: "A Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Entire Back to Back Event Management Solution Copyright © ANGLER."— Presentation transcript:

1 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Entire Back to Back Event Management Solution Copyright © ANGLER Technologies

2 Copyright © ANGLER a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report ANGLER is an ISO 9001 quality certified innovative technology company with a successful track record of 10+ years with 175+ professionals. We deliver cutting edge Software Products, Offshore Development and Design Services from our world-class development center in India With local presence in 10+ global locations, we also work in partnership with channel partners & system integrators world-wide to provide quality solutions to our clients About ANGLER

3 Copyright © ANGLER a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Overview Modules & Features Applications Benefits Contact

4 Overview Copyright © ANGLER a Product of ANGLER BackStage automates your event planning and scheduling activity by serving as a central place wherein your patrons can look for various events and register to participate in the event It is an ideal solution for organizations to plan an event, schedule the course of event, invite participants & trainers, scrutinize the registrations, monitor the expenses & payments and generate relevant reports Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

5 Modules & Features BackStage administrator features Admin panel Instructor Panel Accountant Panel BackStage User features User Panel Copyright © ANGLER a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

6 Modules & Features BackStage administrator features Create events and set all event related information Automatic publishing of Event Appointments in MS-Outlook & Separate Event Calendar Automatic Event reminders & expense follow-up reminders Event Publish, Un-publish, Clone, Archive & restore feature Expense Management, Split Invoice, Grading, Upload Certificate Template & Generate Certificates, Common Email templates, uploading option for per diem rates Trainers can maintain their profile as well as view candidates details for the scheduled event Accountants can view the online payment details of users and verify the expenses of the trainers Copyright © ANGLER a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

7 Modules & Features BackStage administrator features Generate report for Event income across all of your events Registration details of candidates Expenses details of instructors /accountant Export option for all the reports to excel format a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

8 BackStage administrator features - Dashboard Copyright © ANGLER Cash received details Total outstanding Instructor expense Accountant expense Add clients Registration status Cancellation status Candidate transfer details Certificate Pending invoices Master management Quick event add Instructor vacation list a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

9 BackStage administrator features – Event List Event Management. Cloning Publish / Un publish Candidate details Transfer Invoice Details Trainer Details a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

10 a Product of Copyright © ANGLER BackStage administrator features – Schedule Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

11 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report BackStage administrator features – Trainers Reminder mail Copyright © ANGLER

12 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report BackStage administrator features – Instructor panel - Dashboard Copyright © ANGLER

13 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report BackStage administrator features – Accountant panel – Customer payments Copyright © ANGLER

14 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Copyright © ANGLER BackStage administrator features – Accountant Panel – Customer Payment

15 BackStage administrator features – Report a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

16 Modules & Features Backstage user features View various events and courses posted online Online event registration and online payment Course Transfer & cancellation of registration Single or group registration for each event. Testimonials and case study a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

17 Backstage user features – Registration a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

18 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Copyright © ANGLER Backstage user features – Welcome Mail

19 a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Backstage user features – Post Login Copyright © ANGLER

20 Applications Training Institutions Event Planners Activity clubs Personality development trainers a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

21 Benefits a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Reduces your printing and mailing costs on invitations and registrations for an event by providing a central place on the web Keeps your audience informed of all the events & event related information Provides key members of your organization with instant access to critical event management statistics for faster and better decision making Saves time and money on manual report generation processes as you automate the collection and delivery of financial reports Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

22 a Product of Copyright © ANGLER Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report

23 Copyright © ANGLER a Product of Event Management, Register, Schedule & Report Overview Modules & Features Applications Benefits Contact

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