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Science Fair Made Easy Abstract Question Variables Research paper 1.) Follow the directions 2.) Make it look pretty 3.) Print Your name.

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1 Science Fair Made Easy Abstract Question Variables Research paper 1.) Follow the directions 2.) Make it look pretty 3.) Print Your name

2 Abstract This is where you describe the purpose for doing your science fair project or invention. Why should anyone care about the work you did? You have to tell them why. Did you explain something that should cause people to change the way they go about their daily business? Motivate the reader to finish the abstract and read the entire paper or display board. Problem Statement. Identify the problem you solved or the purpose of your investigation, Procedures. What was your approach for investigating the problem? Don't go into detail about materials unless they were critical to your success. Do describe the most important variables if you have room. Results. What answer did you obtain? Be specific and use numbers to describe your results. Do not use vague terms like "most" or "some.” Conclusions. State what your science fair project contributes to the area you worked in. Did you meet your objectives?

3 Question A scientific question usually starts with: How, What, When, Who, Which, Why, or Where. For example, if you are interested in robots, your question might be "How much current does a robot's arm use to lift a weight?"

4 Hypothesis A hypothesis is an educated guess about how things work. Most of the time a hypothesis is written like this: "If _____[I do this] _____, then I predict_____[this]_____ will happen because __________.”

5 Variables I will only change ________, this is my independent variable. I will be measuring ________, this is my dependent variable. I will also make things fair by doing my best to control these variables: ________________________

6 Materials Write down all materials Even the obvious things Be detailed, for example 25 mL Erlen-Meyer flask Include everything

7 Procedure 1.write your procedure in steps 2.Be extra specific so that anyone can repeat your experiment 3.For example, measure 10 grams of Smuckers Strawberry Jelly, refrigerated to 15* Celsius. 4.Next, measure 15 grams of Snappy peanut butter (extra crunchy), at room temperature. 5.Using a butter knife, first evenly spread all measured jelly to the soft side of one pre-cut piece of wheat toast. 6. you get the point….

8 Data and Observations (center of the board) You must have at least 1 data table Then, you will graph your results neatly. Make sure the x axis is your independent variable Make sure the y axis is your dependent variable Use this website: Gather all of your pictures into this portion of the display board and include any observations that were not graphed a journal or log of all results is great for this. Neatly add captions to any pictures that you have taken. Describe everything you noticed in detail.

9 Results This is simply a written section of all of your data. You are basically writing about your data table and graph. Do not jump to any conclusions. This is just a place to write the facts and only the facts.

10 Conclusions This is where you answer whether or not your results support or deny your hypothesis. Describe everything that surprised you or supported your ideas. You might have been really wrong or everything may have been exactly as you expected. Describe how your results could be used outside of this experiment and in other applications. Describe what future experiments this may lead you to want to do. Also, say what went well in your experiment and what went badly. You can talk about any changes you would like to make. Be honest about everything.

11 Acknowledge Be sure to thank any one who helped you. Bibliography Site any sources that you used for the science fair. This covers you in case someone thinks you copied. Use this website to do this correctly:

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