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Science Fair.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fair."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fair

2 Why? The Science Fair has many benefits:
Application of the Scientific Method Research Data Collection Analysis Graphing Public Speaking Artistic Display Creativity Critical Thinking

3 The Process Topic Research Research Paper Hypothesis / Bibliography
Materials Procedure Data Analysis Conclusion Lab Report Abstract Display

4 What are We Going to Do? Topic
Before starting any project you should get permission from your parents and teacher. Your project should be something that interests you. If you pick a topic that interests you, you are most likely do a better job. You should collect five ideas. If your parents or teacher reject one of them, you have some more options to pick from. You may need to do a little research so that you can explain your project to your teacher and parents.

Pick a Winner The effects of heat on Batteries APPROVED REJECTED The effects of light on Plants The effects of bleach on hair REJECTED APPROVED The effect of music on test scores How to make a volcano Does the color of text effect reading comprehension APPROVED REJECTED

6 Look it up. Research Prior to making a good HYPOTHESIS, we must do some research. We need to gather information regarding our project and the factors that may affect our project. It’s a good idea to research the field of science that you are working with, your control group, your independent variable and your dependent variable. These four topics will help you make an informed Hypothesis. You can use many sources in order to gain knowledge. Sources may include: books, magazines, websites, pamphlets and even people. It is important to give your resources credit for helping you out. All resources should be listed

Who can you trust? REJECTED APPROVED Wikipedia A Teacher REJECTED APPROVED A Professional APPROVED My mom REJECTED A Technical or Text Book

8 Write it Down Research Paper
Our research Paper should be written like a 5 paragraph essay. It should contain an introduction, three body paragraphs and a conclusion. We need to let our readers know what we looked up and what we learned. This way they will understand why we are making our decisions. We will prove that we are informed decision makers.

9 Guess What. Hypothesis A Hypothesis is an educated guess. After completing our Research and Research Paper, we have educated ourselves. We are now ready to make a Hypothesis. It is important that we give reasons and support for our statement. If we can, we need to let the readers know where the facts came from. A Hypothesis is a statement, not a question.

10 Let Me Tell You Something
Rejected Do plants with orange juice grow better? I think that plants with orange juice will grow better Rejected I believe that plants with orange juice will grow better because my mom said. Rejected If I water plants with orange juice then they will grow taller. I know this because I read in the book “Green Thumbs” that plants get vitamins and nutrients through the soil. The nutritionist at my school showed me all of the vitamins that are in orange juice. APPROVED

11 Who You Gonna Call on? Bibliography
It is vital to our project that we tell the reader where we got our information. This way we can support our decisions with resources. It can also allow the reader to do further research on their own.

Who Told You That? REJECTED Jeff Lebowski Jeff Lebowski, Author REJECTED “Green Thumb”, by Jeff Lebowski, Pendant publishing, 2008 ACCEPTABLE REJECTED REJECTED ACCEPTABLE REJECTED My Mom REJECTED Mrs. Georgia Peach ACCEPTABLE Mrs. Georgia Peach, Home Depot Garden Manager

13 What Do You Need Materials
We need to list all that materials that are needed in order to carry out our experiment. If our reader really likes our experiment, and they want to do it too, they will know what to get. It also will help us when we go out to get the materials if we have a list. This way we won’t have to go out twice to get things we forgot.

14 Stuff, Stuff and More Stuff
Gather the items for the experiment You will need Pencil Paper Two bean plants 2 liters of Orange Juice A sunny area Ruler Measuring Cup TOO VAGUE Be Specific

15 What Are You Doing Procedure
We need to let our reader know exactly what to do. We have been trained in the Science Lab but, we cannot assume that our readers know what we know. We have to give them a detailed description of what was done. This will also give them the ability to try our experiment out for them self.

16 REJECTED APPROVED Do This. Gather Items Do experiment Show results
Obtain Pencil Paper Two bean plants 2 liters of Orange Juice A sunny area Ruler Measuring Cup Label Plants plant A Plant B Water and Measure Daily for Two weeks Give plant A 10 mL of water Give plant B 10 mL of Orange juice REJECTED APPROVED

17 Do You See What I See? Data
All science fair projects require data collection. Data collection must be accurate and neat. We must display our data in a manner that is easy for the reader. Charts and lists work well for the collection of data. Once data has been collected it should be put into a graph. Graphs are a great way to visually represent your data. Much information can be interpreted through a graph.

18 Looky Here Organize your data in a Chart
Make a Picture of your Data with a Graph Water O.J. 1 10 2 3 11 4 5 12 6 7 13 8 9 14 15 16 17

19 Guess What? Analysis The purpose of Analysis is to ask and answer questions about your data. At this point, you have collected data, organized it in a chart and graphed it. Now we have to put our data in to words. We need to tell our readers about the data we have collected.

20 ? What Did I Say? What was the greatest value?
What was the lowest value? What was the difference between lowest and highest?

21 Just the Facts Conclusion
A conclusion has several responsibilities. It is written in paragraph form and should: Restate the Hypothesis, State whether or not your hypothesis was correct List at least two support sentences from your data Conclude the paragraph with a new statement of fact.

22 What Just Happened? In Conclusion, my HYPOTHESIS , Orange juice will make plants grow taller, was correct. The plant being fed orange juice grew taller. The plant fed only water was 3 cm shorter after 2 weeks.

23 WHAT ON EARTH DID YOU DO!!! Abstract An abstract is a brief explanation of what you are doing. It has no specific data or examples. It allows the reader to understand what the project is about without using technical language or information

24 I want to tell you something.
I wanted to find out: Will orange juice make plants grow taller I read about: Plants, vitamins and minerals What I did: I fed one plant water and one orange juice I found out The plant with orange juice grew taller Next time I will Try tomato juice

25 Put it All Out There Lab Report
Once we finish all of our experimenting and documentation, we must fill out a Lab Report. This will put the information on one page in a neat orderly format.

26 Display Your Wares Your display should be neat and colorful. It should catch the eyes of passer-bys. It should make people want to stop and see what your project is all about. You should also make sure that it has all of the important information that you collected.

27 Show me what you got The display should have at least:
Title Purpose Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Analysis Conclusion For a little added pop, include; Pictures Equipment Control / variable

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