FY 2007 Chapter Survey Executive Summary. OVERVIEW 52 out of 68 (76%) active chapters completed at least one section of the survey. Chapter Size Categories:

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1 FY 2007 Chapter Survey Executive Summary

2 OVERVIEW 52 out of 68 (76%) active chapters completed at least one section of the survey. Chapter Size Categories: –Small - < 76 –Medium – 76 - 200 –Large – 201 + Survey Participation by Chapter Size –Small – 9 of 19 (47%) –Medium – 20 of 25 (80%) –Large – 22 of 24 (92%)

3 Chapter Survey Statistics Membership/Retention 64% have a new member goal. –Down from 68% last year. –New member goals = average of 7 net members. 75% have a membership committee. –38% have 4 or more members on the committee. Down from 64% last year. 9% have NO prospect list. –Up from 5% last year –40% use the prospect list that National provides Prospect lists are developed from: ( multiple answers were allowed ) –Member Referrals (85%) up from 74% last year. –FEI National Leads (38%) –Local Sponsor Leads (62%) –Prospective Member Mtgs. (17%) down from 25% last year.

4 Chapter Survey Statistics Membership/Retention 68% of chapters took advantage of the national initiation fee waiver campaign. Only 32% offer special incentives to assist with recruiting. Examples include: –Prospects get bottle of wine at meeting. –Members get a $25 rebate on chapter dues for recruiting. –Restaurant gift certificates to members. –Cash Prizes to members who recruit the most. –No chapter dues for first year members. 57% of chapters do NOT have a new member orientation program versus 47% last year. 63% do NOT have a prospective member meeting. 28% have a “mentor” program to acclimate new members. Up from 23% last year. 61% contact new members within 2 weeks of joining. Up from 53% last year.

5 Chapter Survey Statistics Meeting Related Average Total Meeting Attendance: –Total attendees Small (06’) Medium (06’) Large (06’) –1-30 – 60% 63% 24% 17% 0% 4% –30 – 60 – 20% 13% 43% 39% 42% 16% –60 – 100 – 0% 0% 9% 13% 42% 48% –Over 100 - 0% 0% 4% 4% 9% 24% Average Total Meeting Attendance Represented By: Members Sponsors –Small 78% 13% –Medium 66% 20% –Large 65% 15% Members are notified of meetings by: –Mail 45%, Phone 23%,Email 85% 51% have joint meetings. – Common groups include: IMA, IIA, NIRI, ACG, AFP, State CPA society, Economics club

6 Chapter Survey Statistics Meeting Related 28% don’t offer online meeting registration. –Reasons include: administrator does it via phone or email, bandwidth issues to set up. Chapters offering CPE credits: –Regular Meetings – 64% (up from 52% in FY 06’) –PD Sessions - 66% (same as FY 06’) 72% are aware of National’s program to manage chapter CPE offering. 42% of chapters pay honorariums or expenses of speakers Most Successful Meetings: –CEO’s –Big company CFO –Interesting and different venue for the meeting. –FASB –Sports related speaker

7 Chapter Survey Statistics Career Services 60% have a career services (CS) chair. 30% of chapters don’t hold meetings for in-transition members down from 38% last yr. –32% have speakers at these meetings. Only 45% (39% last yr.) of chapters use career services as a means of recruiting. –Only 28% allow non-members to attend meetings. Chapters notify members of job leads by: –FEI Website (chapter exclusive job postings) – 19% –Lead sharing at meetings - 30% –E-mail - 51%

8 Chapter Survey Statistics Publications 19% do NOT have a newsletter. (11% in FY 06’) –Of those that do, 28% offer it in both paper and electronic format. Content is primarily derived from ( multiple answers allowed ): –Members46% –Strategic partners 39% –National Liaison34% –FEI Website36% (up from 27% in 06’) 51% produce newsletters monthly. 68% produce a directory (up from 59%). –40% have a directory sponsor. 32% produce a chapter brochure (up from 23%).

9 Chapter Survey Statistics Board and Officers 62% use a nominating committee to screen candidates for office. (down from 68% in 06’). 28% of boards meet monthly (down from 36% in 06’). How do you deal with non-performing Board or committee members? –40% ask chapter board for assistance. –26% ask member to step down. Chapters with a succession plan for the following positions. –President75% –Vice President58% (up from 50% in 06’) –Treasurer43% –Programs chair40% –Membership chair37% –Secretary43%

10 Chapter Survey Statistics Committees 70% have summer planning meetings. Frequency of Committee Meetings: Monthly 26% Quarterly34% Tips for Recruiting Committee Members: Spell out what the responsibilities are clearly. Ask those that attend chapter meetings regularly. Involve new members with small tasks immediately. Average Number of Members per Committee: Program3.6 (median = 3) Membership3.9 (median = 3) Nominating2.8 (median = 3) Member Retention2.3 (median = 1) Professional Dev.1.9 (median = 1) Planning4.7 (median = 3)

11 Chapter Survey Statistics Treasury 7% do not have an annual budget (down from 13% in 06’). Average Net Assets at beginning of FY (July 1) = $56,914 (Median = $40,931) –Average Change from previous yr. = $7,058 (median $3,804) Member Dues Average Revenue $ 26,753 (36% of total) –median = $19,740 (41% of total) Sponsor Program Average Revenue - $35,591 (49% of total) –Median = 26,250 (55% of total) 60% of chapters budget for their leaders to attend national events such as the ALB’s. (up from 52% in 06’) 36% of chapters have 1 year of expenses as a goal for treasury reserves (up from 30%). 49% of chapters with reserve goals include scholarship awards as part of overall expenses.

12 Chapter Survey Statistics Treasury Chapter Dues: Min Max Median –Executive - $0 $350 $200 –Academic – $0 $350 $125 –Retired - $0 $350 $100 –Career Service - $0 $335 $100 –Out of Area - $0 $335 $75 81% pay local dues. A 5% increase over last year 19% of chapter dues do NOT include meal costs. (up from 13% in 06’) 19% of chapters stop communications with members if chapter dues are not paid. (Down from 25% in 06’) 28% of chapters do not allow credit card as a form of payment for dues or meetings. Down from 36% in 06’

13 Chapter Survey Statistics Administrators 66% of chapters have a paid administrator. –23% use national admin program (up from 16% in 06’) –34% use independent administrator (down from 43% in 06’) –9% use association management company –4% use a combination of national and local admin Average Pay per Month = $620 (median $440) Average hours worked per month = 31 (median 20)

14 Chapter Survey Statistics Administrators Chapter Admin Duties: –Maintain member database Make all changes online –Manage all aspects of meetings Manage registration and collection of fees Prepare attendance list Produce name badges Send meeting notices Confirm speaker details –Prepare and send newsletter, new member welcome letters, prospect mailings. –Prepare and send directory –Act as webpage administrator –Receive and distribute communications to Board.

15 Chapter Survey Statistics Sponsorships Types of Organizations that are Local Sponsors: Accounting Firms 72% Banks 55% Staffing Firms53% Law Firms53% (up from 46% in 06’) Insurance49% (down from 61% in 06’) Consulting43% (up from 38% in 06’) Search Firms34% PR Firms11% (down from 14% in 06’) Outplacement11% Other38% (up from 21% in 06’) Other Organizations include: –Investment banks and investment management firms –Retailers –Printers –Hotels –Travel agencies –Real Estate firms

16 Chapter Survey Statistics Sponsorships Average Fees: Small (Max) Medium (Max) Large (Max) Gold $1,875 ($5,000) $3,566 ($6,000) $8,791 ($30,000) Silver $1,250 ($3,000) $1,398 ($3,000) $3,850 ($10,000) Bronze $ 780 ($1,500) $333 ($3,000) $2,138 ($8,000) 15% allow for industry exclusivity. 49% do NOT require sponsors to bring prospects to meetings. 21% of chapter boards/committees don’t meet with sponsors to get feedback on the relationship.

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