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The American Value System

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1 The American Value System
Chapter 3 – Section 1

2 Traditional American Values
Personal Achievement Based on believe in individualism and competition Evident in employment, and measured in power and wealth

3 Individualism Work Base for personal achievement
Ones success comes from hard work and initiative Work Always valued Not based on rewards Mostly seen as virtue

4 Morality and Humanitarianism
U.S. founded on religious faith, justice and equality Charity towards the less fortunate big part of American life

5 Efficiency and Practicality
Every problem has a solution Objects judged on usefulness People judged on their ability to get things done

6 Progress and Material Comfort
With hard work and determination, living standards will improve Science and technology make the world a better place

7 Equality and Democracy
Human equality = equality of opportunity and equal chance of success Citizens have the right to express their opinions and choose their representatives in government

8 Freedom People have personal choice
Protection from direct government interference in business and daily life

9 Other Core Values Education Religious values Romantic love
Self-fulfillment Environment

10 Changing Values Self-fulfillment
Development of one’s personality, talents and potential Narcissism

11 Social Control Chapter 3 – Section 2

12 Internalization of Norms
Norms become part of the personality of an individual Individual conforms to society’s expectation

13 Sanctions Sanctions – motivations for people to enforce conformity to the norms of society

14 Positive Sanctions Rewards for a particular, expected behavior
Parents give rewards with praise Teacher reward students for turning in good work

15 Negative Sanctions Punishment or threat of punishment are used to enforce conformity Ridicules, fines, imprisonment or death

16 Formal Sanctions Reward or punishment given by organization or regulatory agency Negative: Low grades, suspension, termination or imprisonment Positive: Graduation certificates, raises in pay, promotion and awards

17 Informal Sanctions Spontaneous approval or disapproval by a group or individual Positive: standing ovations, compliments, smiles and gifts Negative: gossips, insults, and ridicules

18 Social Control Social control is self-control Internalization of norms
Agents perform external enforcement

19 Social Change Chapter 3 – Section 3

20 Sources of Social Change
Values and Beliefs Ideology System of ideas or beliefs that justifies the social, moral, religious, political, or economic interests held by a group or society Social Movement Long-term conscious effort to promote or prevent social change

21 Technology Knowledge and tools that people use to manipulate their environment New technologies evolve through discovery and invention

22 Population Changes in population will bring changes in culture
Cultural changes also result from changes in the average age of the population

23 Diffusion Reformulation
Spread of cultural traits from one society to another Reformulation Adapting borrowed cultural traits

24 Physical Environment Wars and Conquests
Environment provides conditions that encourage or discourage cultural change Wars and Conquests Not common source of cultural change, but result in the greatest change

25 Resistance to Change Ethnocentrism
The tendency to view one’s own culture or group as superior to others Ethnocentrism makes cultural borrowing difficult or impossible

26 Cultural Lag Vested Interests
The rapid change of some traits, and the transformation of others that take a long time Vested Interests A persons resist any change that threatens their security or standard of living

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