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District Workforce Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the District Workforce Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is 62 slides.

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Presentation on theme: "District Workforce Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the District Workforce Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is 62 slides."— Presentation transcript:

1 District Workforce Module Preview This PowerPoint provides a sample of the District Workforce Module PowerPoint. The actual Overview PowerPoint is 62 slides. The sample demonstrates the types of interactive activities included in the District Workforce Module. Each slide is included in the Participant’s Guide and the Facilitator’s Guide. There are live links in the presentation to extend learning. 1

2 WORKFORCE FOCUS MODULE District Leadership 2

3 Purpose and Objectives Purpose Engage the team in examining the current work environment and how to encourage the workforce to achieve organizational and personal success. Outcomes Examine steps to build an effective workplace Develop processes to ensure workforce is supported to meet strategic objectives. Determine methods to encourage workforce to achieve organizational and personal success. 3

4 Organizational Profile Environment, Relationships, and Strategic Situations 1 Leadership COREVALUESCOREVALUES 2 Strategic Planning 3 Customer Focus 5 Workforce Focus 6 Operations Focus 7 Results 4 Measurement, Analysis, and Knowledge Management Leadership Triad Results Triad 4 1

5 Workforce Focus Article Individually scan the article Looking at Workforce Focus Criteria. Get into groups of four and assign each person a section of the article. Have each person deeply read his or her section, and develop a two sentence summary, two key words from the section with in context definition, and one way your district might apply the information. Each person will share what was developed in order of the article. As a team, develop for the entire article an “elevator speech” for the article. 5

6 Assessment Session Workforce Focus 6

7 Data Review (insert personal data) 7

8 Reviewing Data Individually review the data submitted by the workforce and determine what strikes you as important. What trends do you see? What are the extremes in the data? What insights does the data provide? Share with a partner what you find important. Be ready to share with the whole group your conversation. 8

9 Closure Share with one other person your insights and one data point you think you need more information on before planning for an improved workforce and environment. 18

10 Session One Workforce Profile 22

11 Partner Activity  Please stand and find someone not seating in your area.  Greet your partner and decide who is partner A and partner B in responding to the question.  What are three words that describe your workforce and how do those words fit your current mission?  Partner B will respond to the question first as partner A listens, then asks questions (3 minutes).  Switch duties partner A responds while partner B listens, then asks questions (3 minutes). 23

12 Determining Your Workforce Segments Every employee is part of a workforce system that should meet the organizational mission and work toward the vision. A workforce in a school district is varied and each workforce segment contributes different components to success. Each segment of the workforce requires specific needs to accomplish their work. Those closest to the work know best how to improve to processes and results. 24

13 Session Two Workforce Innovation 30

14 Workforce Innovation High performing school districts are intentional about innovation. Innovation is an ingrained component of continuous improvement. There are direct and functional processes supporting innovation. Innovation is accepted from customers but its roots are with those closest to the work. 31

15 90 Day Cycle Innovation Protocol The 90 Day Cycle originated from the Institute for Health Care Improvement and was fully developed for educators by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The 90 Day Cycle provides the perfect partner to the strategic plan. This tool integrates a complete and targeted way to make sure an innovation is making the improvement desired. There are three phases to the 90 Day Cycle Phase One Scan Phase Two Focus Phase Three Summarize 34

16 Session Three Training and Transfer 41

17 Training and Measuring Transfer Training must be aligned to strategic objectives or innovation. Prior to training an assessment of the needs of the workforce helps focus and streamline training. There are two kinds of training that need to be evaluated: Training needs to evaluated for satisfaction of training methods. Training needs to be evaluated for satisfaction of being able to implement the frameworks or processes from the training. Transfer of training is measured through the level of quality of implementation, the fidelity to the process provided in training, the level of implementation intensity, and the consistency of all three occurring in the workplace. One other area of measurement should be the return on investment of the training by measuring results, accuracy, time on task, and other effectiveness and efficiency measures. 42

18 Example Descriptors 18 Strategic ObjectiveQuality Descriptor 3.1.2 All schools include strategies for implementing small group structures. 100% of SBUSD school strategic plans include an objective for implementing small group structures in every classroom. The implementation includes weekly or bi-weekly small group instruction based on student results of on-going assessment as addresses both remedial and growth activities. A portion of every students classroom instruction is personalized to meet their needs through direct instruction. This requires frequent skill based assessment at or above grade level with grouping based on skills needed with practice and teacher feedback provided prior to re-testing.

19 Session Four Organizational Culture 51

20 Organizational Efficacy and Culture High performing school districts build the capacity of the workforce to achieve both organizational and personal success. To ensure the workforce is able to achieve the organizational mission, leaders need to create a culture of self and group efficacy. There is research supporting the relationship between group efficacy and performance Gulley (2002). Building a high performing culture is intentional and strategic process that is measured. 52

21 Organizational Culture Checklist 54 Have members of your workforce provide you information, based on the Organizational Culture Checklist. Discuss the results of the checklist and determine your two most important next steps. This will provide you with a starting point to building a culture with potential to exceed your mission and move toward your vision.

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