Sep-15 Provincial Collaboration: The BC Injury Prevention Leadership and Action Network (BCIPLAN) Dobmeier, Teresa 1, ▪ Herman, Matt 2 ; Scott, Vicky 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Sep-15 Provincial Collaboration: The BC Injury Prevention Leadership and Action Network (BCIPLAN) Dobmeier, Teresa 1, ▪ Herman, Matt 2 ; Scott, Vicky 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sep-15 Provincial Collaboration: The BC Injury Prevention Leadership and Action Network (BCIPLAN) Dobmeier, Teresa 1, ▪ Herman, Matt 2 ; Scott, Vicky 2 ▪ Melnyk, Richard 3 ; Kapp, Magda 3 ; ▪ Foucher, Denise 4 ; Pelto, Ellen 4 ; ▪ Babul, Shelina 5 ; Pike, Ian 5 1 Chair ▪ 2 Strategies and Priorities Co-Leads ▪ 3 Communications (Promotion/ Website)Co-leads ▪ 4 Programs and Initiatives Co-leads ▪ 5 Research and Surveillance Co-leads ▪ MEMBER ORGANIZATIONS MANDATE / PURPOSE The mandate of BCIPLAN is to provide a forum for organizations and leaders in injury prevention to: advise and assist regarding injury research, strategies, policies and programs identify and promote injury prevention priorities coordinate and collaborate on activities addressing significant injury issues provide collaborative leadership and action on injury prevention consult and provide leadership with BCIRPU, Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport, and other organizations as requested CONCLUSIONS The development of a provincial network, which includes representation from regional, provincial, and national stakeholders, is an effective method to provide leadership and take action on the prevention of injuries in British Columbia. BCIPLAN continues to mobilize a coordinated and collaborative approach to injury prevention in BC. Examples of current priorities and actions include: The completion of a data inventory, including how to access and interpret data The development and implementation of an on-line injury data analysis tool The use of gap analysis and evaluation tool to evaluate gaps in injury prevention in BC METHODS A restructuring process resulted in the development of the following four priority sub-committees: Strategies and Priorities Communications and Promotion Research and Surveillance Programs and Initiatives Sub-committee work plans will continue to be a coordinated and collaborative approach to injury prevention in BC OUTCOME BCIPLAN provides coordinated leadership and action on injury prevention across British Columbia that supports a decrease in preventable injuries. BC Children’s Hospital – Safe Start BC Coroners Service (including CDRU) BC Council for Families BC Drug and Poison Information Centre BC Injury Research and Prevention Unit BC Institute Against Family Violence BC Medical Association BC Ministry of Education BC Ministry of Healthy Living and Sport BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General BC Ministry of Tourism, Culture and the Art BC Professional Fire Fighters Association BC Safety Council BrainTrust Canada Canadian Red Cross Emergency Management BC Environments and Consumer Safety Branch Faculty of Medicine (UBC) Fraser Health Authority Fraser Health Cooperate Office Health Canada (First Nations and Inuit Health Pacific Region) Health Canada (Healthy Environments and Consumer Safety) Insurance Corporation of British Columbia Interior Health Authority Northern Health Authority Office of the Provincial Health Officer Pacific Association of First Nations’ Women Provincial Health Authority Royal Canadian Mounted Police Safe Communities Canada Sport Medicine Council of BC The Community Against Preventable Injuries ThinkFirst BC Vancouver Coastal Health Authority Vancouver General Hospital –Trauma Services Vancouver Island Health Authority WorkSafe BC BACKGROUND In 1995, the BC Minister of Health appointed the Minister’s Injury Prevention Advisory Committee, comprised of representatives from the many sectors in British Columbia who were positioned to take action to reduce injury. Since 1995, the mandate and role of the committee has evolved to meet the growing demand for injury prevention support through the formation of a collaborative network known as BCIPLAN - a strategic alliance of over 30 organizations that support injury prevention priorities and activities across British Columbia. SUB-COMMITTEES STRATEGIES & PRIORITIES Monitor & report on strategic injury prevention plans being developed nationally, provincially and regionally Develop a business case for Health Authorities’ investment in injury prevention COMMUNICATIONS & PROMOTION Promote BCIPLAN member programs and events on the website Promote collaboration among member organizations, to maximize the profile of injury prevention events in BC Explore new and innovative ideas for promoting injury prevention with the support of BCIPLAN RESEARCH & SURVEILLANCE Monitor available injury research and surveillance data Provide an inventory of available data sources & summarize injury trends in BC Identify gaps and limitations and establish plan to improve injury research and surveillance data Present best practices and best evidence for injury prevention programs that work Influence funding bodies to support injury research and surveillance in BC Engage in injury program evaluation in BC PROGRAMS & INITIATIVES Collect and review information on injury prevention programs/initiatives Coordinate strategic initiatives - encourage agencies to align their strategic plans on common specific injury issues Develop criteria for the process of: 1.Bringing joint opportunity initiative programs to the BCIPLAN committee 2.Determining when and how BCIPLAN members can advocate for a program as a group 3.Determining relevance of potential presentations to BCIPLAN meetings and a process for inviting expert presenters to participate on BCIPLAN Agenda Dobmeier T, Herman M; Scott V; Melnyk R; Kapp M; Foucher D; Pelto E; Babul S & Pike I.

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