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Telling the Story of Canada’s Children A Comprehensive Approach to Accountability National Children’s Alliance November 26, 2004.

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1 Telling the Story of Canada’s Children A Comprehensive Approach to Accountability National Children’s Alliance November 26, 2004

2 Accountability and Monitoring Since 2000 the Alliance has taken a leadership role in facilitating dialogue on the issue of accountability Involved in facilitating research and dialogue around the f/p/t agreements (SUFA, NCA, ECDI, M-L-F) Over the last four years the Alliance has evolved its thinking about the role of the “third sector” in accountability within this context

3 Towards Accountability… Throughout our work the Alliance continued its dialogue about the role of the “third sector” and came to the conclusion that this role is more than monitoring government agreements The intersecting roles of governments and the voluntary sector as partners in service delivery require a partnership in monitoring Therefore, the focus gradually began to switch from monitoring to accountability

4 Key themes Consistent throughout our work: Need for evidence-based decision-making Ecological model as foundational Determinants of health approach Engagement critical to accountability Commitment to reflecting inter-related influences on children’s development Asking the “right questions” critical Inclusion of voices of children and youth

5 What do we need to know? CHILDREN – What is the progress of children and youth in Canada in reaching their potential? FAMILIES -- How well are families able to contribute to the optimal development of their children? COMMUNITIES – What are communities (all sectors) doing to support children, youth and families? GOVERNMENTS – How are governments sustaining the capacities of communities, families, children and youth?

6 Being accountable Accountability is about “being responsible” with and obligation to “answer” for one’s actions This means being able to track progress over time in a way that is meaningful to all stakeholders In the end, for the Alliance it means being able to “tell the story of all Canada’s children”

7 Moving towards accountability… The Alliance recognized that accountability requires engagement processes that are: Cross-sectoral (Governments, Voluntary Sector, Private Sector) Intergovernmental (Federal/Provincial/Territorial/Regional/Municipal /Aboriginal) Horizontal (health, social, education, recreation, environment, etc…) Vertical (from grassroots communities to pan- Canadian)

8 Role of Voluntary Sector The Alliance believes that the voluntary sector is in a unique position to take the leadership role on accountability Voluntary sector has credibility with the public Voluntary sector can leverage partnerships with the other stakeholders Voluntary sector has “on the ground” linkages and presence in communities

9 How can accountability be achieved? Through a sustainable mechanism it is possible to support a long term, cohesive approach to accountability for children in Canada The Alliance recommends creation of a “Council” that would build the collective capacity of all stakeholders to exercise their roles and responsibilities

10 Mandate of the Council Increase body of knowledge on accountability for health and well-being of Canada’s children Build capacity of all sectors to be accountable Develop and engage cross-sectoral and multi- disciplinary networks Track investments and impacts for children and families Build capacity of communities to articulate objectives and “tell the story”

11 Functions of the “Council” Research and Development Knowledge Translation Network and Partnership Development Tracking progress towards agreed upon objectives Reporting Mobilizing for change

12 Research and Development Pan-Canadian data strategy Co-ordination of data collection and access Resource “bank” of expertise Accountability model development (includes objectives, roles and responsibilities, framework of questions and indicators, analysis)

13 Knowledge Translation Tools for accountability Clearinghouse of resources Capacity building initiatives for communities

14 Network and Partnership Development Constituents of NCA member organizations Voluntary Sector stakeholders (FCM, CCRC etc.) Think Tanks (Caledon, CPRN, etc.) Researchers and Academic Institutions (CIAR, Centres of Excellence, Child Care Resource Unit U of T, etc.) Agencies (CIHI, CIHR) Government initiatives (UEY, NLSCY, Early Years Ontario, etc.) Provincial/Regional Children’s Networks (First Call, Calgary Children’s Network, etc) Governments (all levels)

15 Tracking Progress Consistent framework for developing indicators based on the “right questions” (for sectors and communities) National “monitoring” initiatives (supporting existing initiatives within a collaborative strategy that addresses gaps) Facilitation of processes to assist communities in articulating objectives and tracking progress Co-ordinating data collection and analysis

16 Reporting Pan-Canadian public education strategy Developing a series of national reports Tools and template for the “story” to be used by different stakeholders Catalyst role for telling of community and sub-sector stories Assist communities in data interpretation and communications of the “story”

17 Mobilizing for Change Facilitate dialogue across sector on broad policy implications Develop tools for communities to give meaning to their stories Facilitating collaborative strategies for improving the lives of children

18 Concrete achievements Within the first five years: Accountability Framework – includes foundational set of questions and national level indicators Clearinghouse for data and information – from local to pan-Canadian National Data Strategy – qualitative and quantitative Series of National Reports – “Story of Canada’s Children” Accountability Tools – to enable and build capacity for community initiatives Knowledge Transfer Networks – multi-disciplinary and cross-sectoral Resource Bank on Accountability – from expertise to information products

19 Roles of the “Council” Facilitator/Co-ordinator Bridger Catalyst Capacity-builder Broker consensus Funder of key accountability initiatives

20 Operating Principles Holistic and asset-based approaches Respects diverse sources of knowledge Includes child and youth engagement Builds on existing initiatives and infrastructure Collaborative Transparency Community-based Inclusive

21 Model of the “Council” Voluntary sector driven Consortium – “distributed organization” Links research, practice and policy through sustained networks Support existing initiatives and infrastructure Note: Will be informed but not limited by an exploration of existing models

22 Role of the National Children’s Alliance Alliance is positioned to play the leadership role in the development of the Council Potential for an ongoing relationship with the Council – Alliance could ensure effective partnerships and that the Council is voluntary sector driven through an oversight function Alliance could ensure inclusion in the ongoing processes of the Council

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