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2012 Review Growing Up Great Network February 2013.

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1 2012 Review Growing Up Great Network February 2013


3 Critical Hours – 2012 formed working group of key stakeholder groups secured funding from Healthy Communities Grant for literature review and mapping of critical hours programs hosted forum to develop action strategy and garner support for city-wide policy for space participated in CDF forum

4 Critical Hours – 2013 Action Plan Creating Urgency ◦ Connecting Access to Meeting/Programming Space to community issues such as mental health promotion, school achievement and engagement, healthy outcomes Build and leverage connections with Community Development Framework city-wide policy for equitable space for vulnerable populations Select indicator to measure progress and status Mapped data to link organizations and enhance service/planning collaboration Statement on critical hours programs for children and youth 9-14yrs

5 School Readiness-2012 formed school readiness task group secured grant through Best Start Ottawa for Red Flags workshop created relationships with OCDSB full day learning team in regards to early identification in schools surveyed early years sector on utilization of NDDS tool Conducted Ready for Life, Ready to Learn literature review Linked with Centretown Community Health Centre on their EDI Action plan

6 School Readiness – 2013 Professional Training on NDDS – working towards distribution at points of intake Ready for Life, Ready to Learn statement Common Communication on components of school readiness

7 Collective Voice for Child and Youth Sector - 2012 hosted Advocacy Session for Network members to increase understanding of and capacity for advocacy and government relations skills developed a transparent and open process to respond to advocacy requests formed committee to review advocacy issues and help shape key messages coordinated and hosted 2012 Growing Up Great Awards luncheon

8 Collective Voice for Child and Youth Sector - 2013 Develop website section which will highlight advocacy tools and campaigns Continue to review and respond to advocacy requests Coordinated Community Parenting Support strategy – host forum to explore opportunities

9 Research into Action - 2012 acted as advisory body for EDI report expanded membership of task group to represent key organizations and agencies involved in data and research in the city hosted preliminary forum on data- sharing and indicators reviewed existing middle development tools and drafted MDI communication on importance of tool

10 Research into Action -2013 Continue as Advisory body for local EDI report Position statement on importance of EDI in the community Sharing and accessing data strategy and platform Work towards common measure – common indicators Common program information and evaluation strategy Share best practices and reports Host one-day event on indicators for region

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