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1939-1945.  Hitler (Germany)  Mussolini (Italy)  Hideki Tojo (Japan)  Emperor Hirohito (Japan)  De Gaulle (France)  Roosevelt (US)  Churchill (Great.

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Presentation on theme: "1939-1945.  Hitler (Germany)  Mussolini (Italy)  Hideki Tojo (Japan)  Emperor Hirohito (Japan)  De Gaulle (France)  Roosevelt (US)  Churchill (Great."— Presentation transcript:

1 1939-1945

2  Hitler (Germany)  Mussolini (Italy)  Hideki Tojo (Japan)  Emperor Hirohito (Japan)  De Gaulle (France)  Roosevelt (US)  Churchill (Great Britain)  Stalin (Soviet Union)

3 Hitler and Mussolini

4  Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, and Japan  Allied Powers- Originally Britain, France, and China; later joined by US and USSR

5  Fascism  Appeasement  Blitz  Genocide  Concentration Camp  Holocaust

6  MAIN  WWI/ Treaty of Versailles  Worldwide Economic Depression  Rise of Fascism  Weak League of Nations  Munich Pact  Appeasement


8  Japan invaded China  Italy invaded Ethiopia  German Aggression in Europe  Appeasement  Germany invades Poland

9  Source: Herblock, May 13, 1941 (adapted)


11 “It is us today. Tomorrow it will be you….God and history will remember your judgment.”- Haile Selassie



14  “We will have peace in our time”~British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain after negotiating peace with Hitler  Hitler gets to keep all the countries in Europe he took over as long as he promises not to invade anymore countries



17 Spineless Democracies

18 Kristallnacht  Night of the Broken Glass  November 9, 1938  Jewish owned stores, synagogues, homes were looted and burned by Nazi storm troopers as they shouted “Death to the Jews” and “Revenge for Paris”

19  WWII begins!!!!


21  Hitler signs an agreement with Stalin not to touch the Soviet Union  invades Soviet Union in 1941 (Operation Barbarossa)


23  December 7 th - “a day that will live in infamy”  Pres. Roosevelt declared war on Japan on Dec. 8 1941.



26 The Rape of Nanking and The Forgotten Holocaust



29  Hitler and common law wife commit suicide  Mussolini and mistress Clareta Petacci are hung in Milan


31  US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan  In total, 110,000 killed immediately;  100, 000’s would die in the years to follow of cancer and radiation poisoning

32  Japan surrenders  agrees to dismantle its military and become a democracy

33  United Nations- International organization with member nations whose goal is to promote world peace  Founded October 24, 1945

34 “Never Again”  See Upfront, March 16, 2009- Op-ed piece- “Never Again, For Real”

35  Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person....  Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment....  Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers....  — The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

36  War crime trials held in Nuremburg after World War II to try the surviving Nazis concerning the Holocaust, aggressive war making, and mistreatment of prisoners among other things.

37  “... The Nazi holocaust, which engulfed millionsof Jews in Europe, proved anew the urgency of the re-establishment of the Jewish state, which would solve the problem of Jewish homelessness by  opening the gates to all Jews and lifting the Jewish people to equality in the family of nations....” (Zionism)

38 -VS- US Soviet Union

39  Mideast Peace Crisis  Cold War  Arms Race  Space Race  Colonial Independence Movements


41  Source: Ellis and Esler,World History: Connections to Today, Prentice Hall, 2001 (adapted)

42  Source: Student Artwork: Shaneekwa Miller, Fashion Industries High School (adapted)

43  Age of Terrorism  Global Warming

44  Source: Dan Wasserman, Tribune Media Services, Inc

45  Source: John Trever, Albuquerque Journal, Sept. 2001, adapted

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