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2 nd AsiaFI School on Mobile and Wireless Networks Revised Proposal Proposers: Xing Li and Hewu Li June, 2008.

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Presentation on theme: "2 nd AsiaFI School on Mobile and Wireless Networks Revised Proposal Proposers: Xing Li and Hewu Li June, 2008."— Presentation transcript:

1 2 nd AsiaFI School on Mobile and Wireless Networks Revised Proposal Proposers: Xing Li and Hewu Li June, 2008

2 General Arrangements Date – 2009 Jan 12-16 Venue – FIT Building, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

3 Committees Organizing Committee – Chair: Xing Li – Deputy Chair: Hewu Li – Member: Mobile WG co-chairs Jun Bi (AsiaFI secretariat director) – Secretary: Jie An Program Committee – Chair: Hewu Li – Deputy Chairs: Mobile WG co-chairs – Secretariat: Qian Wu Student Committee: need to be decided soon

4 Program Monday(2009. 1.12) – Future Internet (Technology) Workshop Tuesday (2009. 1.13) – Tutorials Wednesday(2009. 1.14) ~Friday(2009. 1.16) – Main School Need to define session chairs Curriculum – Repeat similar curriculum to 2008.2 curriculum

5 Budget -Income Registration Fee – Student $100, General $200 (until 2008.12.31) – Student $120, General $240 (after 2008.12.31) – Include meeting access, meeting material, 5 lunch (Mon-Fri), 2 dinner – All attendees need register include lecturers, except the European/American speakers invited by PC Income – Registration Fee Regular : 10 * 200 = 2,000 $ Student : 15 * 100 = 1,500 $ – Donation AsiaFI: 1 dinner – Any other CERNET: 1 dinner Possibly more

6 Budget -Expense 5 lunch & 2 dinner & refreshment – By registration fee & donation – lunch: 30 persons * 5 days * 7 $/each = 1050 $ Meeting material – By registration fee Meeting room & facilities – Support by CERNET Invite 1~2 European/American speakers – Registration fee exemption – Local accommodation: Support by Tsinghua Univ. – Airfare covered by themselves except we find donations in the future Lecture Fee of all speakers and session chairs – Maybe 100 $ – all speakers and session chairs will be given lecture fee but only once

7 Budget –Expense (con.) Scholarship – Start with $1000 – May support only Registration fee exemption – Plan to provide free access to visitor Encourage more students to pay attentions to this school No meeting material Can not have lunch and dinner provided by school

8 Open Issues Numbers of participants – Total(Workshop) – Total – Students – Students(with presentation) – Lecturers – Others(general) OC/PC meeting schedule (onsite, remote)


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