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23 rd APAN Meeting in Manila, Philippines. Proposed Date : January 22-26, 2007 Proposed Venue: Edsa Shangrila Plaza Hotel

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Presentation on theme: "23 rd APAN Meeting in Manila, Philippines. Proposed Date : January 22-26, 2007 Proposed Venue: Edsa Shangrila Plaza Hotel"— Presentation transcript:

1 23 rd APAN Meeting in Manila, Philippines

2 Proposed Date : January 22-26, 2007 Proposed Venue: Edsa Shangrila Plaza Hotel Organizers: Advanced Science and Technology Institute Department of Science and Technology International Rice Research Institute (to be confirmed) University of the Philippines ( to be confirmed)

3 Meeting facilities venue is 13 kms from the international airport with several ballrooms and function rooms over 3,000 sq. meters of meeting place all conference and function rooms offer state-of-the art audio-visual equipment including: -wireless Internet in function rooms and guest rooms -high resolution LCDs -teleconferencing facilities Internet access and videoconferencing facilities can be arranged at the meeting place

4 Preliminary Budget ( in US$) 51,000Total Income: 1,000 20 student participants x US$50 40,000 200 participants X US$200 Registration Fee 5,000APAN Financial Contribution 5,000Fund from Local Organizers Income: Amount (US$)Item

5 Preliminary Budget ( in US$) 51,000Total Expenses: 1,500Miscellaneous Expenses 5,000Network and Internet facilities 500Transportation 1,000Staff Support 43,000Meeting Venue and Food Expenses: Amount (US$)Item

6 We look forward to accommodating APAN delegates in the Philippines!!!

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