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Fellowship Program Committee - 17 th APAN Meetings Jie An 2004.1.29 Honolulu.

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Presentation on theme: "Fellowship Program Committee - 17 th APAN Meetings Jie An 2004.1.29 Honolulu."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fellowship Program Committee - 17 th APAN Meetings Jie An 2004.1.29 Honolulu

2 Fellowship Awarded 1 st stage: 27 fellows 2 nd stage: 12 fellows -> Totally 39 fellowship Awarded As Many withdrew, 23 fellows attend Honolulu Meeting Among 39 fellows, BD- 2 CN- 9 NP- 1 KR- 7 PH- 4 LK- 1 MY- 7 TH- 5 TW- 2 IN- 1 Among 23 fellows, CN- 5 KR- 5 PH- 2 LK- 1 MY- 5 TH- 3 TW- 2

3 Fellowship Budget Revenue - Balance from Last Meeting $ 6,550 - Support from APAN-JP $ 3,000 - Support from ANF $ 1,000 - Support from APAN-AU $ 1,000 TOTAL: $ 11,550 Expenditure (draft) - Registration Fee - Jt Tech Workshops $ 0 (I2 waive) - APAN Meetings $100 * 25=$2,500 - Lodging $2,800 - Allowance $75 * 25= $1,875 TOTAL: $7,175 BALANCE $ 4,375

4 Cairn Meeting Fellowship Total: 35 Network Research Workshop: 16 (higher priority) Each Primary Member: 1 X 12 = 12 APAN-AU, APAN-CN, HARNET(HONG KONG), APAN-JP, ANF, APAN-MY, SingAREN, APAN-TW, ASTI (PH), LEARN (LK), APAN-TH, BAERIN(BD) Encouraging more from: 7 APAN-CN: 2 APAN-MY: 1 APAN-TH: 1 IN: 1 NP: 1 LK:1 Exceptional Fellows: Try to get more funding for encouraging exceptional fellows from other Asia economies

5 Cairn Meeting Fellowship Estimated Budget registration fee: USD150 * 35 = USD5,250 accommodation: USD30 * 5 * 35 = USD5,250 Allowance: ?? Total: 10500 +

6 Selection Guideline Network Research Workshop speakers will be invited by Network Research Group Primary member fellows are recommended by primary member chairs Flexible award transfer internally and externally Acceptable exceptional award and done by Fellowship Program Committee, if urgent, FP Committee chair can make the decision If primary members give up, those award will be discussed within FP Committee.

7 Fellowship Program Funding Regular Funding APAN USD5,000 Other donations by primary members Try to get more funding from World Bank or UN Keep amount of surplus for next meeting

8 Other issues Avoid unexpected cancellation -If the cancellation is done after the cancellation deadline, this fellow will not be awarded by next meeting -Member chairs can transfer this fellow award to another fellow, and will take care of this penalty thing. Other issues

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