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Performance Reporting to the Management Review Team Department of Energy EMS Training Workshop Columbus, OH March 7-8, 2005 Daniel L. McCollum, Quality.

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Presentation on theme: "Performance Reporting to the Management Review Team Department of Energy EMS Training Workshop Columbus, OH March 7-8, 2005 Daniel L. McCollum, Quality."— Presentation transcript:

1 Performance Reporting to the Management Review Team Department of Energy EMS Training Workshop Columbus, OH March 7-8, 2005 Daniel L. McCollum, Quality Assurance Manager National Energy Technology Laboratory

2 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 4.6 – Management Review top management suitability, adequacy, effectiveness “The organization’s top management shall, at intervals it determines, review the environmental management system, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness.” ISO 14001:1996 Standard

3 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 Conformance and Performance  ISO 14001 Standard  Conformance to the standard  Can conform to the standard, but have less than exemplary environmental performance.  Effective EMS both conforms to requirements and performs to established objectives and targets.  Performance demonstrates continued improvement  Senior management is ultimately responsible for the performance of the entire organization  Process to report on the conformance and performance of the EMS  Document the review and decisions

4 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 Aspects, Objectives, Targets, Tasks, Measures, and Metrics  Aspect  Controllable impact on the environment  Objective  Overall goal driven by policy  Target  Detailed performance requirement  Task  Activity that drives performance toward the target  Measure  Measure of task progress  Metric  Actual performance

5 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 The Schema Aspects Objectives Targets Tasks Measure Metrics Waste Generation and Disposal 75% reduction by 2005 and 80% reduction by 2010 based on 1993 baseline (641 tons) 241 tons (62% reduction) in 2004 CBT on general awareness of how to reduce sanitary wastes Percent of employee completion of CBT module 220 tons (66% reduction) in 2004

6 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 Documenting Performance  There is one Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for each Objective  There is at least one Responsible Person (RP) for each EMP  One is preferable for accountability  RPs are responsible for implementation of the EMP and reporting on progress through measures and metrics  Reporting is done quarterly

7 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 NETL’s Top 10  Aspect 1 - Waste Generation, Management, and Disposal Practices  Aspect 2 - Energy and Fuel Use  Aspect 3 - Hazardous Materials Procurement, Consumption, Storage, and Release  Aspect 4 - Control over Industrial Wastewater Treatment Facility Operations and Discharges  Aspect 5 - Air Emissions  Aspect 6 - Potential Exposure to Toxic Chemicals and Energy Releases  Aspect 7 - Understanding of Surface Water and Storm Water Discharges  Aspect 8 - Raw Materials Usage (Increasing "Green" Purchasing)  Aspect 9 - Off-Site Noise Generated Onsite  Aspect 10 - Non-Industrial Land Use

8 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 EMPs and RPs IMPLEMENTATION 1.1 Non-Hazardous Waste Generation Bruce Webster 1.2 Hazardous Waste Generation Mike Hospodar 1.3 Recycling Bruce Webster 1.4 Construction Waste Don Wieczenski 2.1 Energy Conservation Bernard Avon (PGH), Joe Kanosky (MGN) 2.2 Energy Use Bernard Avon (PGH), Joe Kanosky (MGN) 2.3 Annual Petroleum Fuel Consumption Rick Price 2.4 Usage Rate of Alternative Fuels Rick Price 2.5 Energy and Environmental Leadership in New Building Design and Construction Nate Campus 3.1 Chemical Inventory Angela Cooper 4.1 Notices of Violations at the Waste Water Treatment Plant Eli George, Bruce Webster 5.1 Large Chillers Using CFCs Bernard Avon (PGH), Joe Kanosky (MGN) 5.2 Class 1 Refrigerants Bernard Avon (PGH), Joe Kanosky (MGN) 5.3 Energy Use Bernard Avon (PGH), Joe Kanosky (MGN) 5.4 Alternate Fueled Vehicles Rick Price 5.5 Emissions of Toxic Release Inventory (TRI) Chemicals Elias George (PGH), Rodger Dotson (MGN) 5.6 VOC Emissions Rodger Dotson 6.1 Chemical Handling Facility Mike Hospodar 7.1 Surface Water and Stormwater Discharges Rodger Dotson 8.1 Buying Green – Storeroom John Augustine 8.2 Buying Green - Credit Cards John Augustine 9.1 Off-Site Noise Mike Kay 10.1 Land Use Dean Stobbe

9 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 Environmental Management Plan Contents  RP, date, revision status  Aspect, objectives, long-term target  Tasks, schedule, responsibilities, measure  Procedures, controls, training, other pertinent information (funding, constraints)  Approvals (first line manager)

10 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 Management Review  Membership  Director  Deputy Director, Operations  Administrative Office Director  In House R&D Director  EMS Representative  QA Manager (scribe)  Semi-annual meetings (January, July)  Quarterly reports are summarized for MRT

11 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 MRT Meeting Agenda  Status of Aspects, Objective Targets  Summary of Audit Findings (internal and external)  Response to MRT requested actions from last meeting and new requests  Review of Environmental Policy  Confirmation/approval of objectives/targets and policy

12 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 The Five Questions Question 1: Does NETL’s EMS continue to be suitable, adequate, and effective to address NETL’s environmental aspects? (YES) Question 2: Was the information presented adequate to carry out this evaluation? (YES) Question 3: Does the EMS policy need to be changed? (NO) Question 4: Are the objectives and targets suitable to address the environmental aspects identified? (YES) Question 5: Do the results of audit findings indicate or other circumstances warrant any changes to the EMS? (NO)

13 EMS Training – DLM/ES&H Division/March 7-8, 2005 Lessons Learned  Starts slow and gets better  Relevant questions, suggestions, comments  More interest (from 15 minutes to 2 hour meetings)  Bridges the gap between front line managers and senior managers (middle managers)  News doesn’t always travel upwards  Feedback mechanism for decisions  Reprioritize funding as needed  Emphasis processes  Gets action!

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