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APAN SIP – H.323 Working Group APAN Meeting Tokyo Japan 25 January 2006.

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1 APAN SIP – H.323 Working Group APAN Meeting Tokyo Japan 25 January 2006

2 2 Agenda Working Group Activity Update (15 minutes) Member updates (round table introductions) Discuss existing/future projects Discuss planning for next APAN meeting in Singapore. Any other topics?

3 3 Working Group Activities Since APAN Taipei 2005 Negotiations with APEET on enabling APAN members to obtain ENUM delegations o the APEET private tree. Planning and running day and a half SIP Tutorial at APAN Tokyo 2006 (probably last basic SIP Tutorial) Advanced SIP topics covered nearly a full day. Attended IPV6 task force and made agreement that we should consolidate efforts between SIP and IPV6 in the future.

4 4 Member Reports page 1 of 2 Report from USM, by Omar Abouabdalla –USM and MLABS proposing a new protocol based on SIP, for multipoint sessions (porting into MCS and submission to IETF). – H.323 is now supported on USMs MCS (conferencing server system). Still working on SIP support in MCS. Report from TANet, by Quincy Wu (aka Aaron Solomon) for Director Yau-Hwang Kuo ref sperate slide set. –Have many simultaneous SIP Projects: WLAN, ENUM (private tree as well as the APEET tree), VoIP, VoIPv6, IPOX (IP Phone Open Exchange) Several counties are deploying separate SIP deployment, one county in Taiwan tried to use Skype, but due to lack of control of dialplan moved to SIP. Static routing of E.164, with a project to support dynamic E.164 routing using Simple form of TRIP.

5 5 Member Reports page 2 of 2 Report from :earn –Building VoIP Network for Universities, GWs at Uni for ON-NET calls –Migrated a commercial Call Server to Asterisk for better integration with PBX and other VoIP –Close to being added to –Project to ISN –Will be tier one for ENUM Trial in Sri Lanka. Reports from AARNet by Stephen Kingham –Have enabled SIP in the core of large H.323 VoIP and Video Network and peer to PSTN using SIP. –Project to deploy QoS Admission Control for SIP calls (already done for H.323) There is activity in Universities to deploy SIP and –Participating as a Registrar in The Australian ENUM Trial. –Australian Government has allocated 059 to VoIP services.

6 6 Member Reports page 3 of 3 Report from PERN by Nazeer Hussain H.323 Video confer, MCUs

7 7 Planning APAN Meeting Singapore 2006 Introduction to IP Telephony and SIP - Stephen Kingham from AARNet Global SIP Dialing Plans (, ISN, ENUM) - Ben Teitelbaum from Internet2 SIP Authentication Mechanism - Nimal Ratnayake from LEARN SIP-based VoIPv6 System - Sinchai Kamolphiwong from PSU Prepaid Service for SIP VoIP System - Ines Sou from NCTU Voicemail Service in Asterisk - I2R TRIP (Telephony Routing over IP) - Ching-Fang Hsu from TWAREN Instant Message and Presence Service - Sinchai Kamolphiwong from PSU and perhaps another one from Internet2 PIC Working Group? NAT Traversal - Quincy Wu from TANet QoS admission control Working Group BoF (separate time slot) SIP and IPV6 groups need to work together (separate time slots in PAN meetings to facilitate meetings)

8 8 Discuss existing/future Projects 1.Planning for APAN Meeting Singapore 2006 2.SIP Server in core to which we can peer to. TANet have offered to donate a SIP Server to support APAN SIP core, including server and system administration for up to 2 years. Initially Static, with planned migration to dynamic (form of TRIP). 3.Providing SIP accounts to APAN secretariat.

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