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Network Technology Area report 18 th APAN Meeting Cairns, Australia.

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Presentation on theme: "Network Technology Area report 18 th APAN Meeting Cairns, Australia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Network Technology Area report 18 th APAN Meeting Cairns, Australia

2 WGs and BoF Measurement WG IPv6 WG Satellite WG Lambda BoF Security BoF SIP BoF

3 Network Technology Area Meetings at Cairns SIP BoF Lambda BoF Tutorial on SIP SIP and Peering H.323 in APAN (two talks) ENUM and Qos Session (two talks)

4 Lambda BoF(Akira Kato) Presentations from Kees and others. More of exchange of experience. To be left as a BoF.

5 SIP The SIP session was well attended and good response from the community A Tutorial was carried out before the conference. SIP BoF ENUM and Qos session

6 SIP BoF About 20 people were present. Formation of APAN SIP H323 WG Suggest that it should be in the Application Area. A charter was developed and agreed. Elections: –Chair: Stephen Kingham –Co-Chair: Quincy Wu –Secretary: Rusten

7 Measurement WG Informal meeting with Internet2 group at Internet2 Spring Meeting Masaka Hirabaru and JaeHwa Lee will be the next chair. Collaboration with piPES project in Internet2. Maybe work together with APAN NOC Abilene Observatory

8 IPv6 WG IPv6 Task Force. What s the difference with the above.

9 Satellite WG No meeting

10 Security BoF NO session at Cairns

11 Elections Sures (MY) re-elected as Director.

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