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1 Agenda 1.To start up the eCulture as a formal Working Group in APAN eCulture Working Group Charter (proposal)eCulture Working Group Charter 2.Future.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Agenda 1.To start up the eCulture as a formal Working Group in APAN eCulture Working Group Charter (proposal)eCulture Working Group Charter 2.Future."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Agenda 1.To start up the eCulture as a formal Working Group in APAN eCulture Working Group Charter (proposal)eCulture Working Group Charter 2.Future meeting schedule Proposal by Dr. Srichaikul Contents: Questionnaire Survey

2 2 Discussion Issue Future Arrangement Next APAN meeting proposal Review of the questionnaire

3 3 Propose future meeting arrangement Presentation session 2 or 1 slots ( 1 slot = 90 minutes) WG admin meeting (60 minutes) – replacing BoF Extra activities (Behind the scene) –Survey of e-culture activities from member country –Identify resources needed esp. network –Place explicit network demand to network people/APAN –Post the problem that ask for collaboration assistance in APAN e-culture (creating a market place)

4 4 Next APAN and before 22 nd APAN: Singapore in July 2006 2 slots for workshop 1 WG admin meeting Before next APAN Questionnaire survey –via e-mail – keeping DB records

5 5 Questionnaire Objective: Explore the mine field of e-culture subjects Then prioritize and frame the focus for APAN e-culture WG in the beginning phase Please help edit this questionnaire Thank you Prof. Sato for preparing everything

6 6 BoF-Summary Presentations –Report PNC Visit –APAN e-culture WG charter concept Charter proposal review : All Agreed Future meeting: 2 presentation slots + 1 WG slot Additional activities proposed and agreed. Questionnaire review –Suggestion dead line : End of February –Send out: By end of March (e-mail) –Receiving deadline: By End of April –Compiling for next APAN: By end of June

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