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What is global warming? Global warming is an observated increase of medium temperature on earth. Between 1906 and 2005 temperature has been noticed to.

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2 What is global warming? Global warming is an observated increase of medium temperature on earth. Between 1906 and 2005 temperature has been noticed to increase of 0,6 degree. These changes are not available to notice for human being, but effects of warming can be dangerous for our planet.

3 What causes it? Global warming is caused by letting out warming gases to atmosphere - mostly methane and carbon dioxide. Warming gases prevent from getting out infrared radiation from earth to cosmic space, causing warming up the earth. In other words, warmness is being kept in the atmosphere, causing temperature rise.

4 What does it mean in practise? In practice, it means for example driving a car, flying aeroplane with jet engines, using electricity from local power plant which uses coal, wood combustion, or agricultural processes formation (like rice cultivation). Forest excision has also got considerable influence on warming gases level in the atmosphere. Trees are capable to take carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and to change it to oxygen. Destroying forests, human beings are reducing capability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

5 Natural causes Natural causes of global warming are volcano eruptions and solar activity, but these natural causes have not had a big influence on warming the earth in XX century.

6 Is the earth really getting hotter? Data from National Climatic Data Center, which from 1880 explores medium temperatures on lands and oceans on north and south hemisphere shows us, that medium temperature has raised in the last 50 years. From this data we can see that this increase is unsteady, but in the last few years accelerates more, what is being seen when noticing that all the highest medium temperatures for each month are from the last 10 years and 10 hottest years in history of measurements are from 1990.

7 Consequences of Global Warming

8 Which country produces the most pollution In spite of fact that population in USA is just 4 % of humanity, it produces 25 % of pollution (produced by coal, gas and petroleum combustion). USA pollutes world more than China, Japan and India together.

9 How can we cut global warming pollution? It's simple: By reducing pollution from vehicles and power plants. Right away, we should put existing technologies for building cleaner cars and more modern electricity generators into widespread use. We can increase our reliance on renewable energy sources such as wind, sun and geothermal. And we can manufacture more efficient appliances and conserve energy.

10 Use cloth shopping bags Cut down on the amount of paper and plastic you bring home. Grocers often provide small discounts for bringing your own bag or for recycling bags from prior visits. Recycle glass, plastic, and paper. Contact your local landfill or recycling program for guidelines in your area. Bike, walk, or carpool Try cutting down on your car trips. Biking and walking are great exercise… and with gas prices higher than we’d like, you will save money, as well. If you are planning longer travel, choose a train. Planes produces the most level of pollution. Plant a tree! Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air, often while shading hotter areas of the house, allowing you to turn your air conditioner down this summer (more earth-friendly points for you)! Seal your home Reduction of temperature in home of 1º means 300 kg less CO2 in the atmosphere. Turn off stand-by option Drive a car slower and calmer.

11 Global warming in Poland WWF (Word Wide Fund organization) leads in Poland a project called "Climate and Energy", which major purpose is to accelerate development of renewable power industry in our country. We try to create suitable market and legislative circumstances for producers of energy extracted from wind, biomass, sun, geothermal sources and from little power plants (so called "clean energy"). Our purpose is to lead to situation in which renewable sources of energy would compete with unrenewable sources. We expect that in the future consuments will be given "green rate" and they will support "clean energy".

12 The end

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