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Lesson 5 What are nutrients?. You must eat to stay alive. Food supplies certain important chemicals called nutrients. Your body needs nutrients for growth.

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson 5 What are nutrients?. You must eat to stay alive. Food supplies certain important chemicals called nutrients. Your body needs nutrients for growth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson 5 What are nutrients?

2 You must eat to stay alive. Food supplies certain important chemicals called nutrients. Your body needs nutrients for growth and energy.

3 Most foods supply several nutrients. Most foods, however, are very rich in one or two nutrients. There are 5 groups of nutrients.

4 Carbohydrates: Supply energy, turn into glucose during digestion. Two kinds: sugars and starches.


6 Fats: Supply energy, but is usually stored energy. Keep the body warm.


8 Proteins: Are needed to build and repair cells and tissues. Also an important part of protoplasm, the living material in cells.


10 Vitamins: Help control chemical reactions in the body. For example, they control the amount of energy that cells give off. They also are needed for proper growth.

11 Minerals: Are important for healthy tissue. For example, minerals build strong bones and teeth. Muscles, nerves and blood also need minerals.


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