Treaty of Versailles and Germany Germany: Took Responsibility Gave up Territory Limited Military Assumed War Debt.

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2 Treaty of Versailles and Germany Germany: Took Responsibility Gave up Territory Limited Military Assumed War Debt

3 Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi)

4 Hitler beliefs described in Mein Kampf (My Struggle) Germans are superior “Aryan race” Destined to rule the world and the inferior races within it. Germany’s economic problems were caused by Jews Germans needed more land to fill with the pure race Germany will be the Third Reich ( The other two being Rome and The German Empire)

5 Fascism System which usually has a dictator who establishes strict social and economic controls usually by threat of force. Nationalistic in behavior Once in Power Hitler: Forced the army to take a loyalty oath Outlawed political opposition Censured Media Hitler employed many Germans building the military, highways, sports arenas, and schools.

6 Nuremberg Laws (1935) Deprived Jews of citizenship Banned marriages between Jews and Non-Jews Jews had to register and wear yellow stars

7 Reasons Hitler wanted to build up the military Stimulate the economy Increase national pride Allow Germany to expand (“elbow room”) Be able to defend itself against Russia

8 Mussolini’s Goals Build Military to stimulate economy and patriotism Unite Italy to spread a new Roman Empire Replace democracy with fascism.

9 Japan’s Goals Gain land for population (65 million) Gain land for raw materials “Asia for Asians” Invades China Quarantine Speech FDR called for containing fascism through economic embargoes

10 Once in Power Mussolini: Controlled elections Outlawed opposition Censured media Mussolini employed many Italians by building schools, roads, and industry

11 Neutrality Acts (1935-1937) Forbade selling weapons to aggressive nations Banned Americans from traveling on ships of warring countries Banned loans to nations at war Isolationism: The policy to avoid getting involved in any foreign problems. Concentrate on issues at home

12 The Munich Agreement British Prime Minister Chamberlain agrees that Hitler can occupy the Sudetenland as long as he promises to not touch the rest of Czechoslovakia or any other part of Europe Appeasement Making concessions to preserve peace.

13 Nazi-Soviet Pact (Aug. 1939) Germany and Russia agree to divide Poland and not attack each other. Sept. 1939 Germany invades Poland Britain Declares War!

14 US Response to German invasion of Poland Cash and Carry Policy: Britain can buy weapons from the US only in cash. Britain had to transport them

15 The Axis Powers Expand! April 1940 Germany takes Denmark and Norway May 1940 Germany takes Holland, Belgium, and Luxemburg June 1940 Germany conquers France July 1940 The Battle of Britain Begins

16 Battle of Britain 1000 German planes a day 1500 fires in Dec. 1940 alone 30,000 killed 120,000 injured America debates Neutrality

17 Lend Lease Act (Dec 1940) Allows for the transfer of military equipment to nations whose defense was considered vital to the defense of the US US ships will convoy materials as far as Iceland Reasons for Lend Lease Britain cannot stand by itself Good neighbor policy

18 Atlantic Charter (Aug. 1941) Meeting between FDR and Prime Minister Churchill where they agreed that after the war the US and Britain will: Not seek to gain territory Support the right of all people to choose their own government

19 Dec. 7 1941 Pearl Harbor “A day that will live in infamy”

20 8 Battle Ships and 10 other ships Sank or were badly damaged

21 188 Planes destroyed

22 2300 Americans Killed

23 Reason for Attack on Pearl Harbor Crushing US Naval and Air power in pacific would force the US into dealing with Japan to avoid war / invasion. Result: Dec. 8 1941 US declares war on Japan Dec. 10 1941 Germany and Italy declare war on US

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