Ecosystems: Living Systems 2 I- Living Things and Their Environment A- Stimulus and Response 1- Stimulus: Change in the environment. 2- Response: Ways.

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2 Ecosystems: Living Systems

3 2 I- Living Things and Their Environment A- Stimulus and Response 1- Stimulus: Change in the environment. 2- Response: Ways in which living things react to these changes. 3- Adaptations: Changes over time to help the organisms survive in their habitat.

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6 5 B- B- Some environments undergo extreme changes in temperature, sunlight and water supplies, organisms that live in these environments must develop Behavior Adaptations Adaptations to survive.

7 6 1) 1) Migration Migration: Moving from one environment to another. {some birds, herd animals}

8 7 2) Hibernation: Sleeping through the winter.

9 8 3) 3) Dormancy Dormancy: Organisms become completely inactive {Plants}

10 9 C. C. Physical Adaptations Adaptations: Special characteristics that enable organisms to survive under certain conditions.

11 10 1) 1) Organisms adapt to survive in water, soil, or air.

12 11 2) 2) Organisms adapt to survive in high and low temperatures.

13 12 3) 3) Organisms adapt to get food, find prey and to escape predators.

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16 15 D. 1- Habitat Habitat = particular environment in which an organism lives.

17 16 2- Extinction Extinction = when a species dies out.

18 17 3- Endangered Endangered species species = A species that is in danger of becoming extinct.

19 18 E. 1. In a habitat all the members of the same species = Population.

20 19 2. The different populations within a habitat make up a Community. {aquarium = different types of fish, plants this is a small community}

21 20 II- The The Balance Balance of of Nature: A- Producers & Consumers 1- Producers Producers plants that carry out photosynthesis.

22 21 2- Consumers organisms that eat other organisms for food/energy.

23 22 3

24 23 4- Types of Consumers a} Herbivores Herbivores get energy from plants. Primary Consumer b} Carnivores Carnivores get energy from other organism {meat eaters}. Secondary Consumer

25 24 c} Omnivores Omnivores get energy from both plants and animals.

26 25 B- Competition: Competition: Organisms in the same habitat compete for the same food. 1} Biodiversity Biodiversity =describes the variety of life-forms that exist.

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29 28 2} Ecological Ecological Succession Succession =the natural process by which one community is replaced by another community in an orderly predictable sequence.

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31 30 C- Ecological Changes = 2 Types 1} Gradual = over a period of time ~ Succession ~ Climate Change ~ Human Population Growth ~ Continental Drift

32 31 2- Sudden = occurs quickly due to a natural disaster or human carelessness. ~ Volcanic Eruption, Forest Fire, Flood, Meteorite Impact, Human Action {Chemical spill, Nuclear disaster, or Oil spill}.

33 32 D- Natural Resources: 1- Renewable Resources = canbe replenished/replaced {forest, water, and soil} 2- Nonrenewable Resources = can not be replenished/replaced {minerals, natural gas, and oil}

34 33 E- Food Chains: a sequence energy passing from one organism to another.

35 34 F- Food Food Web: Web: A number of food chains that are connected.

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37 36 F- Food Food Pyramid: Pyramid: Shows the relationship of producers to consumers. Producers are always at the base/bottom.

38 37 1- Every organism use energy, some energy is lost to the environment that is why it gets smaller as you go up to the top.

39 38 1 st Carnivor es Herbivores Producers 2 nd Carnivores

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41 40 G- Symbiosis Symbiosis or or Symbiotic Relationships: When two or more different organisms live in close association with one another.

42 41 1- Symbiotic Relationships: a} Mutualism Mutualism = Both organisms benefit from the relationship.

43 42 b} Communalism Communalism = One organism benefits while the other is not affected.

44 43 c} Parasitism Parasitism = One organism benefits while the other organism is harmed.

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