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The Age of Enlightenment

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1 The Age of Enlightenment
Classical Era The Age of Enlightenment

2 Things are a-changin’ Baroque Era Classical Era Louis XIV, XV
Frederick the Great Catherine the Great POWER WEALTH Classical Era French and American Revolutions Middle class becomes more influential “The first law is to enjoy oneself.”

3 The Enlightenment What’s IN? What’s OUT?
rational, logical, empirical, reasoned What’s OUT? Status quo, supernatural (What comes into question?) The “brotherhood of man” becomes a popular theme, and Freemasonry grows. Both of these are, to some degree, at odds with the principals of enlightenment thinking. Contradiction, inconsistency, paradox = quite acceptable, almost the norm.

4 The Classical Era European society is becoming more cosmopolitan.

5 The Classical Era “Classical,” “classic,” “classicism”= very broad terms; not particularly well suited to describe this time in history. Interest in clean, simple lines of classical Greek architecture may provide connection. Approximately the 18th Century

6 Classicism Defined The period of the ancient Greeks and Romans A standard (enduring) Genre of music Time period

7 The Classical Era Cultural, societal adolescence--much change (often violent) & growth Industrial revolution: move from agrarian to industrial economy migration from country to cities huge cities--e.g., 1800 Vienna = 250,000!! American and French Revolutions: Europe in turmoil caused by Napoleon’s expansionism after French Revolution redefine relationship of government and people

8 The Classical Era How is the relationship of government/aristocracy and common people redefined? IndIvIdual becomes central. Government exists to serve ME; I do not exist to serve government (and, no, I will NOT eat cake...). The American and French Revolutions illustrate the point.

9 The Rise of the Middle Class
a VIMP sociological process industrialization produces more money for lower classes eventually more “wealth” produces more leisure time more leisure time leads to search for entertainment that produces fundamental changes in the arts: music functions mostly as Entertainment (not worship as in Baroque era)

10 Classical Thinking Reason was supreme Sought the perfect society
Enlightenment Beauty Rules were valuable

11 Classical Period Art

12 Rococo Emphasis on ultra beauty and nature
Less dramatic (more sweet) than Baroque Themes: aimed at the wealthy class Lighter, frivolous Picnics, lovers, Greek gods Portraits

13 Jean-Honore Fragonard, The Swing, 1768-9

14 Art in the 18th Century Baroque had been the style from 1600 to 1750
Elaborate, impressive Show glory of church and/or state New direction was disputed Baroque Classical (Simpler) Rococo (Sweeter, nature)

15 Jacques Louis David Napoleon Crossing the Alps

16 Jacques Louis David Coronation of Napoleon

17 Jacques Louis David Napoleon in his study

18 Sculpture and Architecture
Horatio Greenough Washington University of Virginia (Designer – T. Jefferson)

19 Architecture Recalled ancient classical U.S. Capital Monticello

20 Petit Trianon, Versailles, France 1764 (Louis XVI) NEO-CLASSICAL

21 Fragonard, The Swing, 1769 Rococo

22 David, The Death of Socrates, 1787

23 Date data Caravaggio, The Calling of St Matthew; Baroque beginnings
1600 – 1742 – Handel’s Messiah oratorio 1776 – Amer. Rev. 1787 – J.L. David Death of Socrates (Mozart, Don Giovanni) 1789 – French Rev.

24 Literature and Philosophy
Age of Enlightenment Literature and Philosophy

25 The Enlightenment Application of the scientific method to social problems Parallel to the scientific awakening Foundation of Classical art and music The world behaves according to patterns and these ought to be obeyed

26 Basic Premises Scientific method can answer fundamental questions about society Human race can be educated and all people are important Emergence of the middle class Belief in God based on reason

27 Growth of Deism Intellectuals believe in God but see him as a "watchmaker" Deists skeptical of organized religion Catholic church was attacked Deists struggle with personal standards Denial of providence (Voltaire) disputed by others (Pope, Rousseau) Denial of evil

28 Thomas Hobbes Empiricism
"All that is real is material, and what is not material is not real." – Hobbes

29 Thomas Hobbes Government
"[Early man was] solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short... [and in a constant state of] warre, [living in] continual fear and danger of violent death.“ – Leviathan Absolute monarchy sent by God to help mankind Hobbes' concepts used to justify colonialization

30 John Locke The forefather of our forefathers Attacked by Charles II
Friend of Newton Influential in American revolution

31 John Locke Government Second treatise of Civil Government
Chaos without government God gave mankind natural rights Life, liberty, pursuit of property Innate goodness of mankind led to formation of governments Governments, which were formed by the people, must guarantee the rights of the people People have a right to rebel against tyrannies

32 John Locke Theory of Knowledge Essay Concerning Human Understanding
Reasoning puts man above animals Rejected concept that ideas are innate Outer ideas from experience Inner ideas from contemplation Mankind can attain all knowledge

33 Alexander Pope English Poet
Contributed to political thought and love of language Believed that God was in control of the earth and that all things were ultimately for our good Essay on Man Essay on Criticism Many famous sayings came from these books

34 “Trust not yourself; but your defects to know,
Make use of every friend – and every foe. A little learning is a dangerous thing;” – Alexander Pope from Essay on Criticism

35 Jonathan Swift Hated injustice Politically active Satirist
Gulliver’s Travels A Modest Proposal…

36 “For of what use is freedom of thought if it does not produce freedom of action?”
Swift, “On Abolishing Christianity” (1708) [Quoted in Barzun, From Dawn to Decadence, 2000, p.273]

37 Philosophe French name for philosopher
Enlightenment reached height in France

38 Voltaire Pen name Critical of Catholic church
Influenced others by letters Denied writings to avoid problems Exiled to England for a while Returned to live on Swiss border

39 “The individual who persecutes another because he is not of the same opinion is nothing less than a monster.” Voltaire

40 “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”

41 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Contest: "Does progress in the arts and sciences correspond with progress in morality?" No! As civilizations progress, they move away from morality Examples: Romans, Greeks, Egyptians Civilization itself leads away from true fundamentals Technology and art give false desires Social Contract “Noble Savage”

42 Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Influence on French and American revolutions "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity" Invest all rights and liberties into a society Compare to a corporation

43 “Man is born free, yet everywhere he is in chains.”

44 Summary of Rousseau's Teachings
Old System (Powerful Ruler or Chaos) New System (Social Contract Concepts) Instinct Justice Strength and intelligence People equal on moral rights Might Right Natural inclinations Reason Personal liberty Civil liberty

45 Denis Diderot Encyclopedia Teach people how to think critically
Solicited articles from many experts Controversial articles brought criticism Overall, moved forward the ideas of Enlightenment

46 "The good of the people must be the great purpose of government
"The good of the people must be the great purpose of government. By the laws of nature and of reason, the governors are invested with power to that end. And the greatest good of the people is liberty. It is to the state what health is to the individual." - Diderot in L'Encyclopedie: Article on Government, quoted in Barzun, Jacques, From Dawn to Decadence, Perennial, 2000, p370.

47 Immanuel Kant From Germany Strict habits
The Critique of Pure Reason and …Practical Reason Weakness of Empiricism Transcendentalism Empiricism and other knowledge Ex: infinity Categorical Imperative

48 "You should behave with only those types of behavior that are dictated by the absolute nature of the basic principle on which the act is based." "Act as if your actions would become a moral maxim (principle or model) for all others and at all times." – From Immanuel Kant's Categorical Imperative

49 David Hume Scottish philosopher Leader of empiricism movement
Grew to distrust all

50 Adam Smith Scottish professor Wealth of Nation (1776)
Free trade/capitalism Devised capitalism Laissez Faire la nature Literally, "let do": a philosophy that advocates minimal government interference in the economy.

51 Edward Gibbon Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
Urged reform in England Anti-religious bias

52 Effects of the Enlightenment
England Civil war and establishment of a limited monarchy Anger in the colonies because they are treated differently than "mother England" France No immediate change but seething discontent that will lead to revolution Other countries Attempts to adopt Enlightenment principles

53 Enlightened Despots Frederick II of Prussia (r. 1740-1786)
Rebelled against father Later developed finest army Built Sans Souci (Potsdam) Invited Voltaire to the court

54 Enlightened Despots Catherine the Great of Russia (r. 1762-1796)
German born wife of Czar Peter III Controlled government after Peter III’s accidental(?) death Increased European culture in Russia Peasant Reforms Territorial Expansion Corresponded with Diderot

55 Enlightened Despots Gustav III of Sweden (r. 1771-1792)
Forced Parliament to accept new constitution Stimulated literature Charles III of Spain (r ) Bourbon family Improved life for Spanish Suppressed Jesuits

56 Maria Theresa and Joseph II of Austria (r. 1740-1780)
16 children Economic reforms Limited power of the Pope Reduced power of the lords Joseph abolished serfdom Poland divided

57 Enlightened Despots vs. Absolute Rulers
Focused on improving country Economic reform Sought advise Reluctant to change Economic disasters Dictated

58 French Revolution

59 Causes and Attitudes The Enlightenment Anglophile feeling in France
The American Revolution French system’s lack of change Louis XVI clung to Absolutism King’s response to the poor Class resentment Economic problems

60 First Stage (1789-1793) King desired new tax to stabilize economy
Estates General (3 estates) Not met for 150 years Needed to meet Certified by Parlement (high court) Election in early 1789 Finally met in Spring 1789 3rd Estate walked out

61 First Stage National Assembly (1789-1793)
3rd estate met in indoor tennis court Resolved to stay in session until constitution could be written King couldn't get money King instructed 1st and 2nd estates to meet with National Assembly 3rd estate doubled their numbers 1st and 2nd sat on right, 3rd sat on left Formed municipal government First Stage

62 First Stage Events at Bastille Revolts in the countryside
July 14, 1789 Municipal government trying to get arms Revolts in the countryside

63 Actions of the National Assembly
Destruction of privilege Declaration of the Rights of Man Secularization of the church New constitution

64 Second Stage Radical revolution
Disillusionment of the lower class (inflation) Girondists (moderates) had no strong leader France drawn into war with Europe Failure in wars (1st coalition, ) Moderates removed as leaders of National Assembly Counter-revolutions King and queen arrested Jacobins take control

65 Second Stage Reign of Terror (1793-1794)
Committee for Public Safety France losing war with others in Europe Reforms Metric system New calendar Universal suffrage Slavery eliminated Paris commune Land redistribution Defaced churches Guillotine 20,000 die King and queen die

66 Third Stage—Return of the moderates (1794-1799)
Thermidorian reaction Counter-revolution "Whiff of grapeshot"(1795) Death of Marat, Danton, Robespierre Moderates gained control of National Convention Return of expatriate noblemen allowed (money) National Assembly re-elected Adoption of new constitution Rule by the Directory

67 Third Stage—Return of the moderates
The Directory governed Some military successes (Napoleon) Directory criticized for poor leadership Directory desperate for a popular leader 2nd Coalition ( ) formed Napoleon invited to be consul


69 You Went The Wrong Way, Old King Louie by Allan Sherman
Louis the Sixteenth was the King of France in He was worse than Louis the Fifteenth. He was worse than Louis the Fourteenth. He was worse than Louis the Thirteenth. He was the worst since Louis the First. King Louis was living like a king, but the people were living rotten. So the people, they started an uprising which they called the French Revolution, and of course you remember their battle cry, which will never be forgotten: You went the wrong way, Old King Louie. You made the population cry. 'Cause all you did was sit and pet With Marie Antoinette In your place at Versailles. And now the country's gone kablooie. So we are giving you the air. That oughta teach you not to Spend all your time fooling 'round At the Folies Bergere. If you had been a nicer king, We wouldn't do a thing, But you were bad, you must admit. We're gonna take you and the Queen Down to the guillotine, And shorten you a little bit. You came the wrong way, Old King Louie. And now you ain't got far to go. Too bad you won't be here to see That great big Eiffel Tower, Or Brigitte Bardot. To you King Louie we say fooey. You disappointed all of France. But then what else could we expect From a king in silk stockings And pink satin pants. You filled your stomach with chop suey. And also crepe suzettes and steak. And when they told your wife Marie That nobody had bread, she said "Let 'em eat cake." We're gonna take you and the Queen Down to the guillotine, It's somewhere in the heart of town. And when that fella's through With what he's gonna do, You'll have no place to hang your crown. You came the wrong way Old King Louie. Now we must put you on the shelf. That's why the people are revolting, 'cause Louie, You're pretty revolting yourself!

70 NOT V.


72 Music of the Classical Era
Began: death of Bach Ended: Beethoven (mid-life)

73 Music changes to meet Middle Class needs
more music-making in the home creates needs: simpler music for less skilled musicians music industry (instrument manufacture, publishing, performing organizations) music education (instrument & voice lessons, composition, appreciation) opera: characters and plots revolve around commoners, not the aristocracy or mythology as in the Baroque era. Plots often ridicule the aristocracy.

74 Music in the Classical Era
Austria (particularly Vienna) and Germany are the cultural centers. Patronage, an important music/economic institution in the mid-1700s breaks down by Why? Concert Halls and opera houses flourish providing entertainment for middle class audiences. Publishers influence what composers write. [Why? What is the connection to middle class music-making?]

75 Music in the Classical Era
Much more secular music is composed and performed. The religious fervor of earlier Baroque composers such as Bach is gone.

76 Music in the Classical Era
Function of Music: Entertainment in the concert hall, opera hall, theater, estate drawing room In the home--filler of leisure time (Gebrauchmusik, i.e., “useful” music.) [Useful for what?] dancing is VIMP pastime “Music must meet listeners where they are.” What are the implications of this statement?

77 Ruminate on... patronage and
Haydn Mozart Beethoven why the French Revolution and industrialization led to the demise of patronage. why less complex music is favored in classical culture.

78 Viennese Classical Style
Characteristics of the Viennese Style ● Dedication to form from Germany ● Strong melody from Italy Vienna

79 Classicism in Music Viennesse School: Four Composers
Franz Joseph Haydn Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Ludwig van Beethoven Franz Schubert

80 Patronage System Exchange of artistic services for A place to live
A Salary Clothes Rank in Society Depends on the patron. Servant to aristocratic patronage.

81 Music of the Classical Era
Written for middle class Non-sophisticated Listener Simple and Melodic Themes Bach: Fugue Mozart: Eine Kleine… Large Room Bach: Air Beethoven: 9th Movements have beginning, middle, end Bach: Brandenburg Beethoven: 5th Easier to play Bach: Fugue Beethoven: Für Elise

82 “I write my music in order that the weary and worn or the men burdened with affairs might enjoy a few minutes of solace and refreshment.” — Haydn

83 Structure of Music Melody carried the interest
Form still needed to give meaning Note power of the human voice Instrumental music uses strong melody as power

84 Style in Classical Music
Melody – singable symmetrical, lyrical. Harmony- diatonic, tonic to dominant relationships Rhythm – regular and symmetrical Texture- Homophonic with some polyphony at times. Folk elements: national themes, folk themes, dances etc. used in instrumental works.

85 “There can be no art without form.” Igor Stravinsky

86 Musical Objectives Explore major-minor system
Develop homophonic system Focus on simple melody Chords and cadences Large structures Cultivate human voice Explore new instruments

Introduction of a new instrument, the fortepiano Contrasted with strings and winds Favored by amateurs and rising middle class Development of the “Accompanied Sonata”

88 Music and Literary Analogy
Musical notes Musical phrases Musical themes Musical movements Symphonies Letters Words Sentences Chapters or short stories Books

89 Forms of Movements Theme and Variation Rondo Minuet and Trio
Sonata-allegro form

90 Forms of Entire Works Concerto (expanded) Symphony

91 Classical Architecture and Music

92 Music Journalism CA 1790 Music Journalism exploded on the European scene. “Intellect, intellect, intellect!” Herr Beethoven’s music is too complex. It isn’t musical entertainment; it’s intellectual “mind games.” Once again Beethoven wrote something that no one wants to hear. He is known to have replied to one reporter, “Of course you don’t understand it. I wrote the piece for future generations. They will understand and appreciate it.” He was correct. Middle class people wanted to read about ANYTHING MUSIC! They bought music newspapers, journals, and magazines by the millions. They praised Beethoven’s pianistic virtuosity (until deafness curtailed his playing), but condemned most of his compositions!

93 Music of the Classical Era
Characteristics (Viennese style) Dedication to form From the Germans Strong melody From the Italians Homophonic Vienna

94 Overview The SYMPHONY emerges CHAMBER MUSIC emerges
OPERA continues & evolves Three major composers: HAYDN MOZART BEETHOVEN

95 LIFE-TIME-LINES BEETHOVEN 1770-1827 MOZART 1756-1789 HAYDN 1732-1809

96 Musical Influences Influence of Turkish music (Janissary band) felt in Vienna and Berlin due to the amount of Turkish immigrants to Austria. Mozart, Haydn, Beethoven wrote Turkish Marches. Added percussion to orchestra Bass drum, triangle, cymbals Whirling dervish ceremony imitated in Beethoven

97 SUMMARY – 18TH CENTURY IDEAS – Enlightenment & rationalist Criticism
ART – 3 genres: Rococo, Neo-Classical, Bourgeois (Genre) MUSIC – Genres such as the SYMPHONY and the STRING QUARTET emerge, all emphasizing CLARITY of musical ideas and the organization of CONTRAST, exemplified by SONATA FORM key composers: HAYDN, MOZART & early Beethoven In the original French, a bourgeois was originally merely a free inhabitant of a bourg, or town. Through a natural evolution it became the label for members of the property-owning class, then of the middle class. As an adjective it is used with contempt by bohemians and Marxists to label conservatives whose views are not sufficiently revolutionary. The class made up of bourgeois (which is both the singular and the plural form) is the bourgeoisie.



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