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Well, It’s Wednesday, Sept. 23

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1 Well, It’s Wednesday, Sept. 23
PALBEG FIRES Fact Incidents Reasons Examples/Evidence Statistics Fallacies Bias: Team Name Articles Your article Noun Clauses Homework: complete PALBEG form for your article

2 Blockbuster Mouse

3 Logical Fallacies Logic = something that makes sense
Fallacy = an argument that sounds true but isn’t necessarily the truth Strategies and techniques used to persuade readers and viewers. Also know as: “faulty logic of reasoning”

4 The Bandwagon “Everyone’s doing it!”
Example: Everyone wears “tommy” perfume, you should too!

5 Broad Generalization Making a general statement with too little evidence. Example: All teenagers spend too much time watching TV.

6 Oversimplification Making a complex issue seem really simple.
Example: To be successful in life, you simply need a nice smile.

7 Testimonial/ Transfer-Association
Using the opinion of someone who is not an expert or showing a famous person who “uses” the product. Example: Eva Longoria for beauty products.

8 Jessica Simpson, Pizza Hut

9 Appeal to Emotion Playing on emotions to convince .
Common emotions: fear, pity, ignorance, etc. Example: Without your help, this child will go hungry.

10 Circular Thinking Proving your point by saying it again.
Example: Students should have a shorter school day so that they don’t have to be in school for as long.

11 Either Or Thinking Showing only two choices: this or that.
Example: America--Love it or leave it.

12 Name-Calling Labels or names given to viewers, listeners, and/or readers. Example: Any idiot can see that using this calling plan will save you money.

13 Geico - Caveman

14 Card-Stacking Stacking your points to persuade viewers, listeners, and/or readers without offering the other side. Example: No money down, no interest, and no payments until Aug, 2007!

15 Plain Folks Writing, speaking, or advertising geared towards the “average Joe,” everyday person. Example: Everyday people like you use our toothpaste.

16 False Cause and Effect Assuming that because one event happens after another, the first event caused the second event. Example: “I never had allergies problems after I switched to hardwood floors.”

17 Revlon Sheryl Crow, first 30 seconds

18 T-mobile kids

19 Noun Clauses take the place of a noun or pronoun within an independent clause.
To be subordinate, it is introduced by one of the relative pronouns: who/whoever, whom/whomever, whose, which/whichever, that Or When, where, why, how, whether

20 Examples of Noun Clauses
I believe that we’ve met before. (direct object) His preposterous delusion is that we’ve met before. (complement: predicate noun) That we have met before is an impossibility. (subject)

21 More Noun Clauses I bet you say that to whoever catches your eye across a crowded room. (object of a preposition) I don’t make a habit of giving whoever claims previous friendship my phone number. (indirect object)

22 Types of Sentences Simple: The lithium worked.
Compound: The lithium worked and the mania subsided. Two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions or semi/colons Complex: As the lithium took effect, the mania subsided. One independent clause and one or more dependent clauses Compound-complex: As the lithium took effect, the mania subsided and the depression lifted. A compound sentence with one or more dependent clauses

23 Find the dependent clauses!
Police in Minneapolis arrested a 22-year-old man at an airport hotel after he tried to pass two counterfeit $16 bills. Cats have over 100 vocal sounds, while dogs only have about ten. If she were life-sized, Barbie’s measurements would be In order to avoid an attack by a vampire, you should eat as much garlic as possible, keep a crucifix close by, and avoid cemeteries. Ice cream will actually make you warmer rather than colder because it contains so many calories.

24 Even more clause labeling!
A man in South Africa shot his friend in the face , seriously wounding him, while the two practiced shooting cans off each other’s head. A Los Angeles man who later said he was “tired of walking” stole a steamroller and led police on a 5-mph chase until an officer stepped aboard the steamroller and brought the vehicle to a stop. The writer Oscar Wilde made this statement about Niagara Falls: “Every American bride is taken there, and the sight must be one of the earliest, if not the keenest, disappointments of married life.”

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