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A research project conducted by 8th grade students in Family 1 with Mr. Gajewski, Ms. Fadness, Mrs. Witherspoon, and Ms. Ambrosh.

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Presentation on theme: "A research project conducted by 8th grade students in Family 1 with Mr. Gajewski, Ms. Fadness, Mrs. Witherspoon, and Ms. Ambrosh."— Presentation transcript:

1 A research project conducted by 8th grade students in Family 1 with Mr. Gajewski, Ms. Fadness, Mrs. Witherspoon, and Ms. Ambrosh

2 Our Class participated in a national research project about media, information technology and careers with 11 other middle schools across the country and researchers at Ohio University.

3 We applied the scientific method to conduct a study of the media environment and career interests of our peers We surveyed a random sample of our school population about their use of media and technology and their career interests. We analyzed the data and produced graphs of the results using Excel Spreadsheets. We conducted a content analysis of the most popular magazines read by students, looking for gender differences in the articles and advertisements. We researched careers related to an area of technology and created Power Point Presentations of our findings Our data will be combined with the other 11 schools, analyzed and published by the researchers of Ohio University.

4 Here is a summary of the survey results of Audubon students’ use of media and technology and their career interests. This is based on 180 surveys of 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.

5 How often do you watch TV? 80% of girls at Audubon responded everyday 84% of boys at Audubon responded everyday

6 The 5 favorite TV programs among all students were: The Simpsons That 70’s Show One on One Fresh Prince of Bel Air Dragon Ball Z

7 The 3 favorite movies among girls at Audubon were: The Ring Barbershop Scary Movie 1&2

8 The 3 favorite movies among boys at Audubon were: Lord of the Rings Friday After Next 8 Mile

9 How often do you read a magazine? 82% of girls at Audubon read a magazine occasionally to everyday 71% of boys at Audubon read a magazine occasionally to everyday

10 The top magazine choices among girls: J-14 Teen Seventeen

11 The top magazine choices among boys: Sports Magazines Game Pro Game Informer

12 How often do you read a newspaper? 69% of girls at Audubon read a newspaper occasionally to daily 76% of boys at Audubon read a newspaper occasionally to daily

13 The most favorite book among both boys and girls of all grade levels was: Harry Potter The other favorite books included: Chicken Soul for the Teenage Soul Best Friends The Watsons Go to Birmingham Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry My Brother Sam is Dead

14 How often do you check books out of the school library? 38% of girls at Audubon use the school library occasionally to once a week 35% of boys at Audubon use the school library occasionally to once a week

15 How often do you check books out of the public library? 64% of girls at Audubon use the public library occasionally to once a week 45% of boys at Audubon use the public library occasionally to once a week

16 How often do you use the Web at home? 52% of girls at Audubon use it everyday or several times a week 71% of boys at Audubon use it everyday or several times a week

17 How often do you use the Web at school? 54% of girls at Audubon use it everyday or several times a week 51% of boys at Audubon use it everyday or several times a week

18 How often do you use the Web at the public library? 42% of girls at Audubon use it occasionally to daily 30% of boys at Audubon use it occasionally to daily

19 What do you use the computer for most? (both male and female) Games Music Email

20 The top 10 Video Games played by Audubon Students are: Grand Theft Auto Sports Games NBA Racing Mario Crash Bandicoot Pokemon Mortal Kombat Tony Hawk/WWE Donkey Kong

21 The top ten career choices of boys at Audubon are: Game Creator Lawyer Teacher Cop Sports Player Doctor Engineer Architect Computers Agent

22 The top ten career choices of girls at Audubon are: Doctor Lawyer Teacher Nurse Designer Singer Scientist Beautician Dancer Writer

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